hello and welcome to forge hub for your map you need at least 1 embedded picture (preferably more) if you do not know how to embed pictures go and read this http://www.forgehub.com/forum/announcements/59574-haloscreenshots-net.html and you need to get this updated quickly if you don't want your map locked
This would help if halo screenshots was working. The site is down and you can try and try again, but it still won't work. What i would recommend is- 1. Go to bungie.net and drag and drop/copy paste your pics onto your computer 2. Go to a photosharing website such as photobucket or imageshack 3. Upload your pics to said website 4. Copy the code beneath the picture you would like to post 5. Paste it on your thread and voila! You have embedded pics.
Umm hummm... It seems only one of your pictures worked, and conveniantly the first one. Perhaps you should post the other pictures that way.
ok i guess ill have the liberty of being the first one here to actually make a comment on the actual map because it seems like you have finally fixed all your pics it looks like a pretty nice symetrical map to start off...however it only seems like itd be big engough for team doubles I like the overall structure of the bases entering the bases youre in a sort of bunk then raise up the stairs to the top with a good vantage point One thing I would like to point out is to change you weapon placement...(on the side that doesn't really matter but matters at the same time) exchange all carbines for brs on the other side in the middle it looks like theres a regen or bubble I would exchange this with either a power weapon (hammer sword rockets) or an equipment such as camo or overshields Aside from some sloppy forging (which can be fixed with some merging) this is a solid map 4/5 The layout is good and original with two bases and the paths around the sides to the middle
I personally think the weapons are fine. What I would do instead is replace the BR's for Carbines and just state that it's for BR starts (which most maps are.) I also like how it doesn't necessarily follow the BASE > POWER WEAPON < BASE layout (I don't consider the Regen a power weapon.) The Trip Mines and Bubble Shield could be replaced with grenades because from the scale of this map, all you really need is one equipment piece. The map is, as stated, sloppy. A lot of things are crooked and there are holes in the floors and what look like some bumps. You have a great start though but it still needs some tweaking done to it to make it play exceptionally.