I create a new team slayer map in sandbox. (4v4) A original and creative map called "Esperance" where emotion and awesome gameplay happens. The map is on the sky of sandbox. Where two spawn-base are on the face of the sniper tower. The two team can go up to the snip by the stairs or by the lift. At the opposite side, you can find a translation base, where the overshield are staying. In the middle of those four bases, a bridge keep the usefull rocket. You can see a picture of my map in my fileshare . Don't forget to see my awesome pictures! http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileShare.aspx?gamertag=LeC oyote18 EDIT: I did a MLG version of esperance, and many people say it's better. So i delete the original esperance and put "Esperance Mlg" in my file share;http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=91818853
Again, another helpful person! Please read the forum rules, and you will discover that you must post at least one picture of your map, a larger description, and a weapons list. Currently, the ONLY way that you can get your screenshots into the forums is by: 1)Creating a Photobucket account 2)Downloading screenshots that you want to have from Bungie.net onto your computer 3)Upload these photos to Photobucket 4)Copy the IMG codes and paste them into your thread. If you have any questions, PM me. EDIT: I'm not a troll. I was simply being helpful when compared to what you wrote. Also, do you know how to edit posts? That's sad that you don't.
Seeing as he had two posts in thrity seconds and they both happen to be really high quiality maps (yeah, I looked) I went ahead and assumed he is either a troll, in which case I wouldnt bother with the instructions, or someone who had really done their research and only had a few moments to post, not knowing the full consequences. Also; You can still use haloscreenshots.net, just instead of directly embedding them with code you can inderectly imbed them by clicking on the name underneath the picture that doesnt work, then simply copy and pasting the picture that should come up. Quility will decrease a bit, but its way easier than learning how to use a new website.
really sorry, i am a noob in the forum world and i am not english. I readed the forum rules and i will be more attentive.