Debate God

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Dec 17, 2008.

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  1. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    Since they saw me, then yes, a bit.

    EDIT: I'll cut to the chase and say that if I had a book for my grandkids 50 generations later that said they had to behave a way they may not like, and they disobeyed, then I would not be mad.
    #2661 EonsAgo, Aug 24, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2009
  2. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Yes I looked at them, I was hoping you would actually focus on the more recent ones like the DNA and the Bad Air one... Lolz. Here is a better one... I'm not sure though. This one seems biased and I don't even like it myself which is why I put the other one very old.

    Most scientific papers are probably wrong - science-in-society - 30 August 2005 - New Scientist

    Lolz you made my statement invalid with the underlined word... Ok, i'll need to brain storm something else.
  3. shiruken

    shiruken Ancient
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    That paper deals with most people's misunderstandings and misinterpretations of statistics when they draw their conclusions. That does not invalidate their claims, it just means that their statistics need to be recalculated.

    Again, what I said before still stands: science is capable of changing when new evidence is presented. Those disputed experiments can easily be repeated with more care taken during the reporting of the statistics.
  4. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    And if it's wrong you will accept these ideas to be true...

    Neither would I... Hmm...
  5. shiruken

    shiruken Ancient
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    If what's wrong? If science shows their hypothesis to be statistically significant then I will support them. If not, then I will not. It's quite simple.

    Also, the word "true" shouldn't be used when referring to scientific hypothesis, theories, or laws because truth implies infallibility which is something none of the above claim.
  6. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    That was the point of science "Can" be wrong they can be wrong having false claims which would seem to be correct to you because you probably won't know any better.
  7. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    rofl, the 6th one is because people assumed the bible was fact. i wonder if that is applicable to this debate...?

    also: yeah, science has been wrong in the past, as has religion (i could find a top 10 religious mistakes vid but im too lazy). the difference is that religion claims to be the judge, jury, and prosecutor of moral rights and eternal damnation. science is just science... the question isn't really whether one or the other is right. in all reality both science and religion are both made up of so many different opinions, theories, and questions, that it would be impossible for either to be right or wrong. the thing about religion is that it makes such a bigger claim than science, that any margin of error is detrimental to the message.
    #2667 sourdauer, Aug 24, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2009
  8. P3P5I

    P3P5I Ancient
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    And thus, you have discovered the beauty of science. It never claims that it is right, it is merely a system that provides evidence to validate their theories.
  9. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    That's one of your problems - you don't understand what I'm trying to say. Aside from the absolutely ridiculous unproven ideas in that list, the rest were entirely correct given their current understanding. Take the "Heavier Objects Fall Faster" idea - objects that are heavier do tend to fall faster when not in a vacuum, because the weight to surface area ratio is greater. It was correct in the sense that when this theory was applied to an everyday situation it would give the correct answer.
  10. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Well in science you can repeat events by doing experiments and if it is true then the experiment is repeatable.
    Religion has many stories where theres no possible way it can be repeated so it can never be proven to be true.
    We cant prove the big bang because its just to large but we are understanding more about it every day.we know it happend since everything is exspanding.Yes science can be wrong but more likely than not its not because of lieing or intentinal reasons but because technology has not been able to prove a theory. When we do eventualy proove something and make it a fact then we do even more research until theres no questions because we know everthing about it.
    We use theories to explain something we don't fully understand yet and then over time of gathering evidence ,evidence which can be found consistantly then it becomes fact. Religion has little consistancy in forms of viable physical evidence but it does hold patterns whether it be astrological or other.

    Its about consistancy and science is more consistant than a religion.
    #2670 Eyeless Sid, Aug 24, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2009
  11. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Where's the absolute physical evidence that Julius Caesar existed?
    Just because you think something isn't real doesn't mean it isn't.
    I watched the first minute and could tell it was just too biased for me... Try getting an open source with facts from both sides instead of, "Look at the Pope, in his little Pope mobile".
    So you're saying 9 years of sunday school, 3 1/2 years of confirmation, 16 years of church services, and around 30 accounts of church related community service means I haven't done research about my religion?

    Great job assuming things...

    ..and if it makes you mad that I say 'assume', well I've said it/heard it so much from religious people that I just don't know how or when atheists will get it in their head that they should actually listen and stop assuming things... And don't say I'm arrogant... we've been through there.

    Now, on to Rabid...

    Okay, first of all, you cited Wikipedia for what? the 5th time?? That may tell you something about listening because every time you've cited it I've told you that you shouldn't, yet you go ahead and keep doing it... ... Just something to think about.

    Second of all, you're comparing a religion to a meme, when many atheists could be compared to a meme also. HOW MANY TIMES DO I NEED TO SAY THIS?! It goes both ways, so there's no point putting up that argument.

    Maybe you should reread that last paragraph at least three times because you just don't seem to be listening atm.

    Okay, here's your "disproving" argument...
    I already quoted it. The article says that there isn't anything in the human brain that produces intellect, not "a substance that makes you smart", as you say. Maybe I should get the dictionary out.
    This also shows how you aren't reading my posts.
    I provided the articles. Maybe I have to say the same thing to you that I have ALREADY USED AT LEAST FOUR TIMES.

    OR maybe I'll make this usage more interesting.... heh heh...
    There is not "full" proof, because there is still not any proof. Listen - you can't just try to prove that Julius Caesar existed. You need to give direct proof that Julius Caesar existed.

    Again, it goes both ways...

    You said something along the lines of,
    "..of course you'll find a fake god when you "look" for him!..." I'll go from there...

    ..of course you'll find Julius Caesar when you "look" for him!..
    ..of course you'll find that cats can think if you "look" for it.

    Yet again, it goes both ways.. You are not able to use that argument anymore because that would be rather hypocritical..
    Okay, I'll repost my experience with God.
    I was 12 years old, New Orleans was in the act of being hit by Hurricane Katrina, and my grandma was in the act of dieing. She had passed out one day in her house, and the mailman came in within an hour or so because he thought it was weird she wasn't outside that day and talking to him like she normally does (she was a very social person). Next thing we know, she's being sent from Philadelphia to Wisconsin because she has cancer and does not want it treated. She does not want it treated because she is not afraid of death. You may think that you shouldn't be afraid of death no matter what your religious beliefs, but then I'd have to say that there wouldn't be any sense in being happy that you're about to die and never "live" again. So that argument doesn't make sense. Shall I continue? Okay, so my grandma and my dad were on an airplane towards Wisconsin, when my grandma leaned over in her wheel chair and asked if she was going to die because of this cancer. My dad had to tell her the hard truth; that she was indeed going to die because of her cancer. And my grandma wasn't troubled at all. I mean at all. She embraced the fact that she was moving on; she had reached total bliss. The only thing between her and heaven was death.

    You can call my grandma a corrupt Christian, well I'll tell you that she's been through more hell than you can even imagine. Believe me. Her husband left her and she brought up my dad in a small house, she's lived through the depression, and she was a very tough and open-minded person. Think twice before judging her.

    Now I'll end with a Q&A session for all you "triumphant" atheists out there:

    1. Why do you go to places you dislike, such as school, "knowing" you only have one life and you're "wasting it away"?
    2. Why do you sit on your computer debating when there's "so much more" you could be doing before your inevitable death?
    3. Why do you continue to listen to people, such as your parents, knowing they're just holding you back from your "only life"?
    4. What's the point? Or more importantly, what are you waiting for?
  12. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
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    I suppose most is better than all *glares at religion.* But seriously, the reason is because when you take the sum of all the papers that have been proven and disproven (or not proven yet) alike we find (or will find) that the truth is a more narrow path than all other paths, which, I think, is fairly reasonable, don't you? So if there are eight scientific papers on the specific function of a gene, and only one can be right, this means that science (on that subject) has a 1 in 8 chance of being correct which can easily be turned around and said to show science's flaws. However, we overlook the fact that the other seven will eventually be shown to be false as the aquisition of data propels the factual paper to the top.

    Remember, just because you write a paper, doesn't mean its true until the scientific community can form some sort of consensus.
  13. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    this is true. and most of science isnt accepted in facts, despite common belief. Something that the scientific community comes to a consensus on is proclaimed a theory. Because anything that can be proved wrong at any time. It is we the public idiots who accept theories as complete facts.
  14. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    1. Actually, I liked going to school, but lets assume for arguments sake I didn't. Why would I want to ruin a great opportunity; my parents would struggle and fight with me about it and my chances for success later in life would drop.
    2. I like debating religion: i'm interested in philosophy and some people bring up some very interesting things that i've never heard/ considered before.
    3. I don't quite understand this question. If it's "Why do you take direction from your parents", then I guess my answer would be that I don't. Being incredibly rude to my parents without cause obviously wouldn't be in my best interests, so there's no point, and following their instructions blindly wouldn't either.
    4. What is the meaning of life? Does the realization of the meaninglessness and absurdity of life necessarily require suicide?

      If it did you'd expect everyone would kill themselves immediately after hearing that question, but people find their own motivation towards living. It's a great question, and all I can say is that "the point" sure as hell isn't god.

    No-one gives a **** if you tell them not to use Wikipedia, because it's a good site.
    #2674 Transhuman Plus, Aug 25, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2009
  15. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    1. Its also a site that anyone can edit. Meaning anyone (Including You) could have edited the real info and replaced it with crap
  16. P3P5I

    P3P5I Ancient
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    There are moderators that look at the things you change in the site. if it is blatantly wrong, then they'll change it back. Wiki is a good site for general information on topics. Even with the specific ideas, Wiki cites their information in an organized manner at the bottom of the page. Wiki is reliable.

    The Romans were very good at documentation. There are literally thousands of records (also by his enemies who have no reason to make him up) across Europe and Asia Minor detailing him.

    I can believe Jesus existed (I do), my only problem is believing in his divinity. There is no proof of his divine powers, save for a few witnesses (which is far from the adequate level of evidence). You can't compare this to Caesar, who was internationally renown in the old world and Asia. Obviously we can't find a body or any photographs, but this is enough evidence to prove someone who lived so long ago existed.
  17. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    I entered red text under your statements as a counter argument. Read carefuly so you don't missunderstand the message as some have.Im not being an ass to you Erico I just don't care for these statements you made.
    #2677 Eyeless Sid, Aug 25, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2009
  18. jpitty

    jpitty Ancient
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    The only Jesus I know is some dirty mexican that stole some ****.
  19. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Ok, so you agree with me to an extent...

    Thanks for being open minded at least and remaining neutral.

    They don't even read everything, as long as it looks professional it will most likely be accepted, so therefore Wikipedia can indeed be edited for a short time until someone catches it. In the amount of time it could have been edited that link Rabid gave us would be 10 pages back.

    I use Wiki but I use it for general information or topics that are silly and not school related, but just remember don't 100% trust wiki because if it is false and the opposing side proves it you will look like a retard.

    Are you trying to insult religion... Or being a completely fool and just spamming, Nitrous can you please put in giant red words for either sides to not insult each other.

    Well, I'm leaving this thread after what Eons said (And everyone else who used personal reference) I feel my faith being sapped away slowly and the Religious side is outnumbered so we are holding the line, and eventually the Atheists will break through to the final wall which they will never pass. That will be to prove that God is non-existent.

    So yes, I feel worse and worse every time I come to this thread because all of our points from the Great Amoeba to the religious El Diablo are being rebutted and even recoiled. I don't think this thread is making my religious faith grow, it is only weakening it. I've explained why I am a Christian and I truly believe that it was God who saved me which is why I don't want to lose faith.

    I have respect for Athiests more then I sounded, because remember I have two loving Athiest parents I couldn't live without them so I have no hatred towards anyone on this thread except for random spammers and the Anti-Thiest.

    Which proves that it does not take a religion to be an extremist and kill someone.

    As far as I know there is still Erico, El Diablo, Greatjedi, RadiantRain and Amoeba

    Against a countless number of others. Thank you for reading this if you did, you have opened my eyes and made me realize things, but I'm not leaving religion, I'm happy with it.
    #2679 RadiantRain, Aug 25, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2009
  20. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    Great! But i agree with you, We are heavily Outnumbered
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