I've been playing guild wars for years and still do so I cant wait for this to come out, looks amazing.
Wen i watched this i had a orgasm... and I jizzed, in my pants I play GW every now and agen.. and its sweet... im not expectin Arena net to disappoint
Heres some links to a bunch of interesting gw2 interviews: Guild Wars 2 Exclusive: A Few Questions with Mike O’Brien - pause.com The Complete Guild Wars 2 Preview :: GameDrone IGN Video: Guild Wars 2 PC Games Interview - Video Interview Guild Wars 2 Preview - Page 1 // MMO /// Eurogamer - Games Reviews, News and More I will continue to update this page as info comes up
Signed up for Guild Wars 1 in the first month it was released, lost interest a few months ago. Now that more information about the sequel has surfaced, my fire for it has been re kindled. Really looking forward to it. Not going to advertise or anything, but a good forum for Guild Wars 2 related stuff is guildwars2guru.com. I go there and there's lots of stuff to see. I'm glad to see underwater travel and stuff... I just hope they retain the same elements of gameplay from the first game and don't segregate too much with the various playable races.
The charr have made lots of inventions, including guns (think of the guns like fable not modern guns. And with a hint of magic) that all races can use. http://www.guildwars2guru.com/forum/charr-made-gunsi-possible-gun-t561.html