Debate God

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Dec 17, 2008.

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  1. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    YouTube - How to make an Angry Christian

    This video shows that many stories of the bible were copies of older religions and that jesus is not the first "savior " to be crusified. Christianity is not special compared to older religions. I actualy like the Egyptian and Greek religions over Christianity they teach better stories and have more colorful characters IMO

    Also proves many biblical references/places were astrological occurances and not Earthly ones.
    #2621 Eyeless Sid, Aug 24, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2009
  2. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    I read it all, and you being an atheist, I want to share some of my knowledge that could possibly enlighten your spirits about death.
    No, I'm not going to preach to you about 'the afterlife', but I hope you do consider researching my points and at least giving them thought.
    First, I'll start out with my experiences (not religious).

    One night, as I was lying in bed staring at the ceiling, I started to ponder death and what would happen after that. Being an atheist, I felt what only atheists feel. A sudden thought struck me. "Life is the only thing I have to live for."
    I experienced the most horrifying thought in my life at this moment. A surge of demise penetrated my emotions so deeply, it left me in a deep thought for hours. I then realized, with death being the end, that life.. is beautiful. I must cherish it. I must live every moment knowing this, because I know it give meaning it. Life suddenly became euphoric.

    A few weeks back, my friend told me to research DMT. (dimethyltryptamine)
    It's naturally produced in your pineal gland and it's what controls your dreams and unconscious state of mind.

    After learning this, I was already fascinated and drawn to learn more.
    Many plants and animals also contain DMT, and can even be extracted from certain plants. When you have a NDE (near death experience) your body releases all of the DMT in your brain. Scientists believe this is what causes 'the light' that people refer to when they have an NDE. It's also believed that DMT is the cause for 'alient abductions'.

    Now, DMT can be exracted from certain plants and then be ingested to cause a strong hallucination. Shamans even use this as a way to 'contact the spirit world', and they've been around for over 12,000 years. It's said, whenever you have a DMT experience, it's a life changing experience. This is due to the hallucinigenic properties that allow you to 'travel the universe, meet extra-terresitial life forms, and even speak to the dead'.
    Shamans believe, that when you die, your spirit leaves the body and travels to the spirit world.

    NDEs cause your brain to suddenly release DMT, and I'm sure it's the same with actual death. Some believe this is the transferal of your spirit to the spirit world.

    I also looked into Buddhism, and learned that they believe it takes 49 days for a spirit to be reincarnated to another body.
    Science has shown that every human fetus develops their genitals (determines gender) at this time, and it's also when the pineal globe first starts to produce DMT.
    Some believe it's just a coincidence, but other believe it ties in greatly with their religious/spiritual beliefs.

    After discovering all of this, it greatly changed my aspect on religion.
    It's much more sensible than the majority of religious beliefs in the sense you don't suffer an eternity of torture for what could have possibly been a small decision in your life.

    I'm not a Shaman or a Buddhist, but they both contribute heavily to my beliefs.

  3. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    First of all, gender is decided from conception, even if it can't be noticed until about 50 days in. Plus, do you realize how many babies are born? One every few seconds. That means you can look at someone's death, wait 49 days and then find the first baby to be shown to be a boy or girl (depending on the person who died) and declare that that baby is the reincarnated person. But that doesn't make it so.

    I can also say that every bag of skittles is bound to have one that looks exactly like a skittle I ate in a previous bag. Or predicting the sun will rise tomorrow.

    What does it prove? Of course a baby will develop its genitals, but just because it is at the same time as the development as DMT, it makes it evidence? There are a lot of coincidences in the world. Look at what greatjedi tried doing before with galaxies and laminin, and then rapidzergling with the invisible pink unicorn.

    If you look for something like that, you'll eventually find your coincidence. Like seeing an abe lincoln potato chip.

    I've said it a few times before adn I'll say it again:

    The mind sees what the mind wants to see.
    #2623 Pigglez, Aug 24, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2009
  4. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    r. u. mentally. handicapped?

    that doesn't give you any leverage at all. ive already said this, but you give all christians a bad name. you are ONLY in 6th grade, that is waaay to early to be making decisions about religion and then blindly supporting them. i would try to learn a bit more and give yourself a bit more time before you decide to be COMPLETELY ignorant.

    and please dont post anymore pictures of stars and random pictures. conspiracy theory + religious ranting = not win
    #2624 sourdauer, Aug 24, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2009
  5. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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  6. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Hahaha, very funny. Go read my posts prior to when you came into this debate. I've already explained my reasoning, now I'm just here to pretty much defend my religion, and if some kid says I'm sitting on my ass praying to a fake god, then I will tell him to shut up because he is not making any sense what so ever.

    And you, on the other hand, don't even take this into account. Nice job barging in on a personal argument (not that we're supposed to have one in the first place), then seeing one side of the argument and taking their side.

    Nice job, nice job.
  7. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    You don't even understand why I feel you have no credibility anymore.
    I'm not going to try to explain it to you past saying that I have given up hope that you will understand how one-sided your views are. It is like trying to explain color to a blind person.
    I understand that you would be offended by him; the problem is that everything he said was absolutely true.
  8. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Great, two people saying I'm sitting on my ass, praying to a fake god.

    Great arguments people. Thanks for the respect also!

    It just shows how arrogant you truly are being. I've replied to just about every single one of your posts in a sensible manner, yet you claim my thoughts are corrupt and that I'm being stubborn. And do I really need to explain this to you? Okay, then, well... I am not a stubborn Christian. There, you heard it, I guess that's what you needed for your mind to step past a barrier. Okay, onto barrier two? Or now, you'll ignore me because you think I'm one-sided, yet every statement you've claimed against me has backfired. I've given you the reasons, now your job is to either accept the religion as something, instead of disregarding it as ancient bullshit, OR you can step into an open minded state.. I gave you actual proof that God exists, I've even given you my personal experiences, I've thought through both sides of the argument, and you still don't get it.

    Just because I'm a Christian does no mean you get to be biased. Just because I've defended my religion does not mean you get to call me or my religion names. Just because you don't accept me in your little atheist society, does not mean you can rant on and on about how you dislike people who actually believe in something without having to see it with our own two eyes.

    Maybe you should reread this, because I have a feeling you're just reviewing my comments without thought.

    You may have seen this as a rant, but that's the problem; that's all you see.
  9. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    No, not at all. I understand what you are saying. You aren't being stubborn, you are just behaving in the way you see best. I completely understand that from your point of view all of the evidence that you have given is proof of god. That's the problem - there is an infinite loop, I guess you could call it, that can't be broken in this case. You will always see from a perspective where god exists is first and foremost. Your conclusions aren't based off the proof, but rather the proof that you find is specifically designed to fit your conclusions. You can't understand that because the proof and the conclusion both hold equal ground in your head, and you assume that the proof comes first and backs up the conclusion.
    You were taught the existence of god first. Then you were taught the proof. Backwards.
    The wonderful thing about being atheist is that there really is no bias to hold. I understand if you think anti-theists are somewhat biased (although I would disagree, but that isn't the point), but atheism alone does not carry any negative connotations toward religion. I wasn't raised an atheist, I wasn't attacked by theists, and I was never saved by atheists. I have no personal vendetta against religion. I am atheists only because I broke that aforementioned loop, and understand that the evidence must first be significantly powerful before the conclusions are drawn and stated as fact.
    #2629 RabidZergling, Aug 24, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2009
  10. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    You broke the loop. Oh great, aren't you just cool... Okay, so now you somehow worked it out that you're on the middle ground and now I'M the biased person who can't think correctly.

    You seem biased, and it seems as if I'm biased at times. Fine, I'll be the bigger man; we both seem biased, because we both believe in total opposites, and accusing one another won't get us anywhere.

    Now will you debate?

    Now please reply to my proof of God. The whole soul part, the homosexuals and the tornado article, and my experiences... the whole thing, because that's my proof, and after all, that's what we're supposed to be debating about.
  11. oscarstrok

    oscarstrok Ancient
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    once i asked a bishop if he ever questioned the existance of god, normally bishops or vicors would say "CERTAINLY NOT", but he said "yes, yes i did"

    he also said that it shoudnt matter if you belive in another religeon, or dont belive in religeon, its ok.

    i like him :D
  12. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    May I ask where you're going with this?... It just seems a bit random to me lol...
  13. oscarstrok

    oscarstrok Ancient
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    when a nuclear sub was launching into sea, it was big news where i came from, i forgot what bishiop of what region he was from but he was a real bishiop

    im going with this is that no one should judge anyone just because of there belif's, unless they belive in killing people lol
    #2633 oscarstrok, Aug 24, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2009
  14. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    Uh Huh. Yeahhh Like a Bishop would say would say that...

    Sure... People ALWAYS Forget where they heard God Is not real

    What do think ER1CO

    What do you think ER1CO? Agree or Disagree

    Lets See...

    God Himself Speaks it

    It is the only language spoken in Heaven

    It is mentioned 35 times in the Bible

    The Bible says if you speak it you are Edified (Built Up.)

    Brian Washing? What are we giving Brian Stepanek a bath or what? Learn to spell Brain before you run into the Debate Forum.

    And we are not "Brainwashed" into religon.

    "Train a child in the Way he should go and when he is old he will not turn from it"
    -Proverbs 22:6

    Thats exactly what my dad did to me. He trained me in the way i should go
    six years ago and i have NOT turned from it nor will i turn from God

    He did not force Christianity on me, He TRAINED me he did not FORCE me

    First of all, Thats just retarded for saying that

    And By "Conspiracy Theory + Religious Ranting" you Mean "Pictures found on NASA's website sent from Hubble Telescope + Lou Giglio, One of the most well known Christians in America = Win" Right?
  15. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    Lets see how I can pick appart this post....
    ok first you go to random insults for a very common typo and you became a grammar ****.

    Next Brainwashing is the main way religion gains its members. You are indeed taught that your God is real and all others are wrong at a young age. "only believe in one God".

    You did not turn from religion because a false fear of burning forever in Hell .
    Hell has not been proven to be real because no one has ever come from it. Now a small child is told this and instantly they are stuck in this religion because daddy and mommy says hell is real.6 years of brainwashing is alot considering you really can do it in only a short amont of time. Your training was a scare tactic to secure you in the loop and make you un able to leave it because of fear.
    So in a way Christianity gave you no alternative than believing in God so it did force you and you were brainwashed congragulation religion you sapped anouther childs mind :].

    Um can you prove that souls exist because the only souls Ive ever seen were on the bottom of shoes? Wheres the absolute physical evidence for the spiritual essence in our body,is their a organ that holds it somewhere? Ive taken biology and anatomy and there is no soul to humans we are just meat bags like the rest of living creatures. We are not special and personal "exsperiences" don't count as evidence of anything. I can say I saw /heard a lepercaun today but people would think I was ill , the same can now be said about god since all of his stories and words are false or stolen from other gods.

    Ive said this before humans existed before God we can exist after him as well.
    Christainity was not the first religion but a rehash of many religions.
    Jesus was not the only savior to be crucified in the ancient times and then reserect.
    Just because you think something is real doesn't mean it is .
    The below video shows "PROOF" yes solid proof that christianity was a rehash of older religions and not special in the least bit. Do as the video says and do alittle research about your religion before believing its so special.

    YouTube - How to make an Angry Christian

    If anything you christians should be believing in 1 of the 20 other saviors considering they are all older than Jesus christ .
    #2635 Eyeless Sid, Aug 24, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2009
  16. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    I'm also guessing that when your parents first told you about Santa Claus, you believed them. The indoctrination into a religion occurs at about the same time - before you can rationally determine if what you are being told is true or not. This plants the seeds for a later life of religious belief, against all evidence.
    Read this about meme theory - the idea that you can apply a pseudo-science to human ideas, and examine how they evolve and spread. There are 7 theorized ways that this can occur. Religion, especially Christianity, can spread in all these ways quiet well.

    I disproved your soul ideas, debunked to your tornado article, and cannot find your experiences (and you won't repost them). I don't see much else to talk about.
    Both the tornado and your ideas about the soul are prime examples of what I was trying to say earlier. Think about the soul: you knew in your mind that it existed first, then you went out and tried to find evidence to back up your beliefs. This is the fundamental difference between you and me, and unless you can reverse that order, we will never see in the same light.
    #2636 RabidZergling, Aug 24, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2009
  17. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Just exactly how you follow science, sure it is written down, but so is the bible.

    You believe what others tell you, just like the bible. You can't really prove it happened unless you see it, just like the bible.

    So how can you claim for a science book to be true if you have probably never even seen the events happen themselves so thus we can conclude that you believe in a book of science just like we believe in a book of Religion.
  18. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    If things are not just theorized in science, you can prove them either by yourself or confirming it with visual evidence. I've never personally seen a hurricane, but I know people who have. And I can search "hurricane" and youtube to confirm I've not been lied to.
  19. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    no, i mean: pictures of distorted crosses + idea that that proves god + christian warping = NOT WIN

    i guess i should thank you jedi, your posts are an endless supply of luls for me
  20. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Yes, but you never see it in real life, millions have died never seen an atom through a telescope. If we replace the Bible, with a science book then you will notice there are not that many diffrences.

    Science claims that there are white holes, yet we have never seen it, so I guess we can just reject the idea. There is an epidemic that science claims to be spreading across Asia, Well I've never seen it so I can reject it.

    You will only believe in God unless you have physical, tangible proof, yet you believe a science book not actually having tangible proof yourselves.

    Debate or Leave, you don't insult in debates... So like I said, Get out or actually Debate and bring in "PROOF" that they are distorted.
    #2640 RadiantRain, Aug 24, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2009
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