Let's speculate about Halo: Reach.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Lippy, Aug 22, 2009.

  1. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    I hope that Reach forge is similar to Far Cry 2- we could build land formations. That would make Halo amazing... (more amazing)

    I also hope that the weapons are based off of Halo:CE- No BR (I believe that these were in testing at the time) and Assault Rifles are the older type (MA5B) and the magnums are the exact same thing as the good ol' magnums (maybe reduced damage- they were very strong)
  2. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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  3. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    Not necessarily, Cam. It would further increase their creativity, and still, they would have the skills they gained from forging without the ability to create land masses. They can tweak the BR to look more prototype-y and deal less damage, and shoot in 5 round bursts or something else, to make it feel as if it is a different weapon.
  4. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    What if they had it shoot in one-round bursts, sort of like a halfway point between the magnum and the sniper.
  5. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    1: That isnt true- If it does anything at all- it makes forgers more creative due to the fact that they can work with more than just blocks. Forgers could create an entire otherworldy environment and this could make gameplay different. Normal Forge- players must all use the same maps and can only change the things on that map- FC2 forge- players can create their own true maps and each one would look different from the other- unlike Regular Forge where people work with the same objects, on the same themed map.

    2: Notice how MLG doesnt own Bungie- I doubt that they will care what MLG thinks in the production of their next game due to the fact that if a BR was in the game, it would screw up the storyline (due to the fact that the Battle Rifle-BR55HB SR- was in testing at this time and was not issued to UNSC forces until the Halo 2 story) If they were to do anything, they would create a new weapon that takes the place of the BR and toned it down...
    I dont think Bungie would make a flawed story just to keep MLG players from yelling at them. MLG is just 1 playlist in the entire game which consists of about 20 or so- although it may be pretty big- Bungie would probably say "get used to it or go back to Halo 3" just like they did with the older BR models from Halo 2, Blood Gulch from Halo 2, Magnum from Halo:CE, Clan System from Halo 2, Damage system from Halo:CE, etc...
    #25 Loscocco, Aug 24, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2009
  6. ZANDER1994

    ZANDER1994 Ancient
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    I bet you 100 bucks they will put in a map editor.

    I really hope it's the kind of game I'm thinking. Fps. You play as the chief again, and the multiplayer kicks ass. They got lucky with halo 2 and halo 3. If they can make a good halo 4, then it's not luck any more.
  7. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    The Battle of Reach was considered on of the biggest battles. I want to see battles be super large. I'm talking about the size and scale you see in the Battlefield games. Throw in a Far-Cry map editor and this game will be the best Halo game ever.

    Basically, Reach should be as realistic as Halo could possibly get when you play BTB games (I'm talking 12v12 games), but with options to make it have the physics and gameplay Halo 3 has for people who prefer playing 4v4's and ****.

    Oh, and I want it to run on dedicated servers. I'm sick of lag. >.>
  8. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    Things they Need For H:R


    -More Max. Players
    -A Nice Mix of BTB and 2v2 Maps
    -More Maps In General
    -Very Large Maps That could comfortably a scarab, Two Pelicans/Phantoms depending on the maps theme
    -Special Maps Designed specifically for one Gametype
    -New Gametypes
    -Anti-Cheat System
    -For Infection, The Infected look like Flood (But you can turn it off)
    -Trash Compactor (Spec. Map)
    -Race (Spec. Map)
    -BLAST OFF! (Spec. Map)


    -Dead Bodies (This Would Be Good For Infection)
    -Destroyed Vehicles (With FYAH!)
    -Map FX VVV
    -Flood Spores
    -A Large "Sandbox" Map that is Completely Blank except for a grid
    -Forgeable Map Geometry (Hills, Mountains, caves Etc.)
    -"Paint" for walls and scenery
  9. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    i want the huge scale battles as said before, i would love a mission where you start in a ship in space and you have to get to the surface in a pelican and deploy out of it. not driving it just sitting shotgun watching the carnage around you.
  10. Lippy

    Lippy Ancient
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    I want The Arbiter in the game, maybe even a short side-mission series where you play as him (seriously, where the **** were my Arby missions in Halo 3?). I have no idea if he was connected to the Battle Of Reach, but it'd be cool to see him as a true antagonist and before he was The Arbiter.
  11. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    Actually, the Arbiter was the ship master of Ascendant Justice, which was the flag ship in charge of the assault on Reach. He wasn't known as the Arbiter at that time, however.
  12. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Right the Arbiter was only a ship captain at that time. I would bet a hundred dollars the spartan to the chiefs left (his right) in the picture is Kelly.

    I want Reach to be like ODST but with alot more customization, vehicles from halo wars, but in 1st person not 3rd or 2 1/2 like h wars lol.

    I hope you can choose different leg armor and shoulder, arm, head, etc.
    #32 CaptnSTFU, Aug 24, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2009
  13. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Reach has been confirmed to be an FPS.
  14. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Good lol i like h wars but i want a prequel fps, I just really hope this game has like full customization of your online character, and you know forge is awesome but a map creator like h2 vista would be amazing. (Prays to the Bungie gods for a map creator)

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