Debate God

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Dec 17, 2008.

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  1. shiruken

    shiruken Ancient
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    Aside from the Bible and teachings of the Christian religion, there is no substantial evidence to prove that Jesus actually ever existed.

    A lot of people died on crosses. Again, there is no proof that he actually existed.

    So did Hitler. Size doesn't matter.

    Jesus' followers existed prior to his supposed death. He was executed because of the power he was gaining amongst the people. They didn't follow him because he rose from the dead, they followed him for his teachings and his miracles. His supposed resurrection merely added to the story.

    His followers scattered the earth to spread his teachings about how to live a good life. They used his miracles and resurrection to add credence to their argument.

    There have been countless cults that have killed themselves because of what they believed. The people of Germany fought for their country even though the Final Solution was terribly wrong.

    So you're saying that just because these people were willing to risk their lives for it it must be real? By that logic the Fountain of youth and El Dorado must also exist. That and the Yeti.

    Or he could just be a great practical jokester and successfully tricked billions of people into believing what he said.
  2. Purexist

    Purexist Ancient
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    You're just evading my very direct question; why do you have simian tendencies? I told you earlier, I don't believe that Jesus was anything special, or that anything in the bible is true. Scientologists tell us that L. Ron Hubbard is a prophet. Starting a religion has obvious advantages for its leaders. The gospels weren't even started until 70 years after Jesus' death, plenty of time for his life to be perverted. This was the time of word of mouth, a flat earth, and dragons.

    I will hereby any disregard any arguments from you that insist upon the deity of Jesus, the inherent truth of the bible, and any other such nonsensical, undebatable points. I'm not going to debate with that Jesus existed or not, but he did not rise from the dead, because dead hairless apes don't do that. You'll have to find some better arguments than insisting that I believe your brainwashing, because noone has risen from the dead, and noone ever will.

    Let's try a different tack. Suppose you ask me about certain natural phenomena that you see that you feel must be created, or proof of a higher power, and I'll tell you what I see. Be specific! I want a challenge.
  3. Chuck A Duck

    Chuck A Duck Ancient
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    ok pure... odds of earth having right conditions for life evolving then odds of life actually evolving
    #2583 Chuck A Duck, Aug 23, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2009
  4. shiruken

    shiruken Ancient
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    Very small. But you have to realize the vastness of the Universe as compared to the size of the Earth, even the Milky Way. The probability may be very low but when you enter that into the equation that is the Universe that doesn't mean the existence of life is that unusual. It's not impossible, it's just improbable.

    If you want some math, check out the Drake Equation, which estimates that there are at least 10 intelligent civilizations in our own galaxy. If we assume that number is a good estimate for the number of intelligent civilizations in each galaxy and that there are over 100 billion galaxies in the Universe, that makes life on Earth not that very significant at all.
  5. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    I'm amazed that I've asked so many times and yet my post has still gone ignored and hasn't been responded to. Is it intimidating or something? I don't think so. But no one can answer it at all? Here it is again in case someone would like to give it a shot and stop ignoring me. My Post that has remained Ignored

    Meanwhile, anything argued now cannot be taken as proof as it is using the bible, which hasn't been proven, contradicts itself on every page and has been edited and re-edited so many times it's more put together than a Hollywood actress.

    Something like the earth having slim chances of having the right conditions doesn't prove anything. There are millions of planets that can't support life. It just means that the earth has the right properties for life. But it isn't perfect. We can't survive in water but the earth is 75% or so composed of it. Tornados, earthquakes, volcanos, hurricanes, tsunamis... natural disasters which make living on Earth much harder.

    We also aren't the only planet with the capability of life. Mars has evidence of water which dried up, not just at the polar ice caps. Bacteria has been found there and on Asteroids. We aren't the only planet that's so perfect and whatnot.
  6. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    No no no, that is idiotic. Why would you die for a thought? We should all accept the possibility that God doesn't exist, meaning that they died for nothing. They arent true Christians anyways because there is no true Christian branch, there are hundreds. Again, it still doesn't validate anything.

    That's not a history lesson, thats a LOT of assumtions. You even contradicted yourself when you said "assume' and 'believe'. WHEN YOU ASSUME SOMETHING YOU MAKE AN ASS OUT OF YOU AND ME! That's one of the oldest sayings that walks with the Engilsh language. Learn it. I'm going to say your clearly wrong because the counterexamples where previously given. I wanted to further prove a point.

    Bible= Ass-U-Me
    #2586 Gollygeeanelite, Aug 23, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2009
  7. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    I'll post some pictures shwon in the videos

    Whirlpool Galaxy Core

    That is the Core of The Whirlpool Galaxy. Notice the Cross in the center of it...

    We received the above photo from Hubble Space Telescope in 1992


    Just so you know, Laminin is essentially the "Glue" of the human body. Without it we would literally end up in pieces. Realize a pattern here?

    And some facts from my video

    The Star "Betelguise"

    Betelguise is TWICE the size of the earth's orbit around the sun. If the Earth Were a golf ball, Betelguise would be as tall as 6 empire state buildings on top of one another. That is big... and you could fit 262 Trillion earth's inside Betelguise... If the earth were a golf ball that would be enough golf balls to fill the Super Dome with golf balls..... 3,000 Times...

    The Star "Mu Ceifi"

    If the Earth were a golf ball... Mu Ceifi would be the width of two golden gate bridges end to end. Its so big you could fit 2.7 Quadrillion Earths inside Mu Ceifi

    (Fun Fact: A Million Seconds Ago... Twelve Days Ago... But a billion seconds ago... i bet your thinking "Oh i'm on board with you now, September, Right?"
    No... How About May 1975 Is A Billion Seconds Ago... A Trillion Seconds Ago... Your like "Uh huh. I'm on... the 1800's" No. Christopher Columbus? No. 29,700 B.C. is a trillion seconds ago. A Quadrillion Seconds Ago... 30,800,000 Years Ago...)

    The Star "Canis Majoris"

    If the Earth Were a Golf Ball... Canis Majoris would be the height of Mount Everest. Which in case you did not know is 8,840 Miles High... Thats 29,002 Feet Tall. The Tallest Point of our world... You can fit 7 Quadrillion Earths Inside of Canis Majoris. That's Enough earths (If the earth were a golf ball) to cover the entire state of texas with golf balls 22 inches deep

    And you're supposing Betelguise, Mu Ceifi, And Canis Majoris were just there forever? No. God made those stars... And i suppose the cross in the center of that galaxy's black hole is just some crazy coincidence which has also happened to have been discovered near the center of every galaxy we've found including our own? No. God put them there... And that it's also just coincidence that the only thing keeping us from literally falling apart is a tiny, miniscule cross? No. God made us that way

    Ask God to show you that he's real. Trust me i did at age 6 and at started thunder storming and the sky was cloudless...

    When in doubt. Ask Him if he's really there...

    ... Because i know as a fact that He is there...
  8. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Um, since when did a lopsided object resemble a cross? These photos don't even have crosses in them, your a Christian imbecile and see what you want to see. Yes, that slight flame was necessary. Okay Mr. I HAZ FAKZORS, what about atoms? The SMALLEST matter in existence. All of them resemble crosses? What about the shape of blood? Without that, then we wouldn't be ALIVE either. Does this resemble a cross.

    YouTube - Bananas Are Proof Of Evolution

    Further ignorance of religions. Listen to the whole video. And this proves that not all people believe in evolution.
    #2588 Gollygeeanelite, Aug 23, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2009
  9. shiruken

    shiruken Ancient
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    Are you ****ing kidding me? There's a cross in a picture of something taken in space? OMG. That's complete and utter bullshit. You cannot claim that a commonly occurring shape is proof of something like a god. You know what else has a cross in it? The swastika. And it's of Hindu origin.

    No. Laminin is just a protein that is commonly found in the basal lamina of cells. Yes, it's an important factor in cell structure, differentiation, and movement, but that doesn't prove anything. You can't simply say that it's shape proves ANYTHING. That's a common shape for any trimeric protein because it consists of three trimers. Again, you can't say that a shape is proof of something because it isn't.

    You clearly know absolutely nothing about astronomy, astrophysics, photopgraphy, biology, nor even the most general of sciences. The Universe is massive, our Galaxy is massive. Every single conceivable shape possible can be found somewhere out there if one looks hard enough. Your cross in the black hole can be explained by simple physics, namely the rules of diffraction, reflection, scattering, and emission of Hawking radiation from the black hole. If you've done any kind of photography, you've probably had lens flares in a similar pattern. there's nothing significant about that.

    Again. Laminin does have a cross shape. But that doesn't have anything to do with God's existence. That is actually an idealized shape of the protein and is more commonly found with its sides turned upwards to bind to other proteins in the basal lamina of the cell. This isn't god's work. It's just how the protein is shaped for its function. You're finding meaning in things where there is none.


    When you were six did you ever stop to think that that was a coincidence? Because it's not that uncommon for there to be thunder without clouds in the sky.
    #2589 shiruken, Aug 23, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2009
  10. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    How Could you say that neither of the pictures have crosses in them? You must be blind or something because there are crosses in the pictures Laminin is the scientific word for a little something i like to call "Protein" it what's in healthy food's and basically everything else

    And shiruken, all that stuff is like that because that's how God made it! And look up the Whirlpool Galaxy before you rant on about how stupid i am

    And also shiruken. don't underestimate me. I'm smarter than you think being a 6th grade honors student and all
    #2590 GR4V3mind117, Aug 23, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2009
  11. shiruken

    shiruken Ancient
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    Yes, they do resemble crosses, but how does that provide proof of God? You can't just say a shape found somewhere represents the existence of something. I could very well be saying that every single circle I see provides proof for the existence of the Flying Spaghetti monster.

    Wrong. Laminin is the name of a protein that makes up the basal lamina in cells. It is not the same thing as the "protein" that is measured on the side of your cereal box. There are approximately 20^50,000 possible protein combinations, making laminin rather insignificant overall.

    I saw the picture. I told you how it happens. It's just a byproduct of refraction and light scattering across the vastness of space between the Hubble lens and the galaxy. there is nothing significant about seeing a particular pattern in a picture like that.

    Can you prove that god made it?

    I have every reason to doubt your knowledge now seeing as you've probably never even taken a biology class at school yet. I knew plenty of people who were "honors" students that knew less than the so-called "stupid" kids. Don't get a big head, it makes you look bad.
    #2591 shiruken, Aug 23, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2009
  12. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    I know for a fact that the Invisible pink unicorn is real. I asked him to show me that he was real, and all of a sudden a bag of money landed on the ground in front of me! True story, I just told you it! Also, if the invisible pink unicorn is not real, explain this:
    I can clearly see a unicorn in that galaxy, with an invisible horn to represent how the invisible pink unicorn is invisible! Proof!
  13. shiruken

    shiruken Ancient
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    Actually, you know what this cross thing reminds me of? People kinding the liking of jesus burnt on a piece of toast or abraham lincoln's face on a french fry. You know what happened to those amazing pieces of evidence? they were sold on ebay to the highest bidder.
  14. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    We don't believe because we know He exists, We believe because we have Faith in his existence. We've seen things happen out of the blue, heck i've seen it rain and thunderstorm with a perfectly cloudless sky after praying about His existence, I've seen 400 kids come to know Christ in just two months. In YOUNGSTOWN OHIO!!!! I don't know if you know how terrible some of these kid's lives are up here in Youngstown. I've Seen two of my own friends be healed just like that. I've seen faithfulness in God, I've Seen Trust In God, And I've Lived with God... For Six years... That's over half my life... I know now he exists and he Knows every little detail, Every thing about all 6,779,000,000 people in the world...
  15. shiruken

    shiruken Ancient
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    You cannot provide any that I will accept in this argument. That's because your god is dependent solely upon belief. You cannot prove a belief, no matter how hard you try, in a scientific manner because there is no acceptable evidence.

    I don't care what you believe, that's a personal thing. But when you take scientific topics and twist them to fit your needs, that's unacceptable.
  16. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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    Just like how you, No. NO ONE can DISprove Him?

    There is no acceptable evidence that he does not exist either

    Six Years of Personal Experiences is all the proof i need, but it would take years to explain all of them
  17. shiruken

    shiruken Ancient
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    I don't need to disprove him. The null hypothesis always stands such that the other hypothesis is false and you are trying to prove it otherwise. The burden of proof rests on those trying to prove that God exists because standard procedure states that until evidence is shown proving it otherwise, God does not exist.

    It's like how our courts work: Innocent until proven guilty.

    In science, it's untrue until proven true.
    #2597 shiruken, Aug 23, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2009
  18. P3P5I

    P3P5I Ancient
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    Don't make RabidZergling go to the pink unicorn again. Please don't. You have to prove a positive, it's not the other way around.
  19. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    Why is it my post STILL hasn't been answered... This is damn annoying.

    Greatjedi, do you think you could answer for me? If you are so positive of your beliefs, you should be able to answer to my post.
  20. GR4V3mind117

    GR4V3mind117 Ancient
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