Agh... Windows movie maker. My one weakness... It's... It's... Like my teachers are... Making... A Fil-Fil-Film. All serious jokes aside, that was pretty cool. Any idea how it happened?
that's cool. You should have added a slow motion clip too, because I had to keep pausing and playing to see the "L".
yea i saw that when u go in to edit mode you shields recharge so thats pretty much how we came up with it (we were bored lol)
Cool, but not that cool... because it didn't actually make a full 'L'. Instead, the red laser first went to the left, then straight. What kinda cap card did u use? or was it the Bnet rendering thing?
Lag- related glitch. On your screen, you shot the "real" direction, but since you also damaged him, it creates an angle for the laser to hit person 2. The same thing when a sniper bullet comes out of the sniper at an angle and hits you in the head.