Hey guy I'm new here, but I'm not new at forging. My best friend"Svveet Sauc3" has posted a few maps of mine you can view them in his sig. If you would like to see my latest map, search "Paradise Plaza". The maps is fully enclosed and it has a palm tree. If you need help making your map the best out of the rest, just send me a message on Xbox LIVE. My GamerTag is "xItZ jENKiNSx". Oh and BTW, I am making a map pack known as "The Majestic Map Pack". Here is the list of the maps.. 1o not Land on USG Ishimara! (Already posted by Svveet Sauc3) An infection map on Orbital that will change the way you will play infection forever. Based off the horror game known as "DEAD SPACE". 2aradise Plaza (Already been posted by Svveet Sauc3) The map I mentioned earlier in my introduction. 3:Heli-Pad (Soon to be posted by me) A camoflauged ODST Hanger hovers high above Sandbox. It is fully symmetrical and built for the gametype "Conquest". 4:LockDown Love (Still in progress) A Asymmetrical and competitive map on Foundry. 78% complete. 5:Ruin Rally (Creating Layout in progress) A enclosed racetrack for 8 reckless racers to laser or snipe each other on. 6:Absolution (Layout done. Begin forging soon) A definetlly unique competitive map that won't dissapoint the FFA fans. Well that is all I have to say and I hope you ForgeHubbers are more excited for "The Majestic Map Pack" as most of my friends. Thanks for reading!! -xItZ jENKiNSx Edit: For a more brief description of the Majestic Map Pack, you can find it in the Forge Discussion thread.
Hi there, welcome to Forgehub. I certainly hope you have a great time and enjoy your stay, I hope to see some of your future maps. If you would like to talk about anything related to Forge then feel free to follow this link to Forge Discussion. You can make map previews for your own maps and gets peoples opinions before release. It may also garner more attention to your maps.
Thanks for welcoming me. I have been looking around in the Forge Disscusion thread and it looks like fun! Do you send a reply to all new members? Anyways I will look at Haloscreenshots.com and I will start to plan out my first map post. And again... Thanks for welcoming me!
Hellllooo and welcome! Sounds like your determined on this map pack Sounds like it wont disappoint. And like Chronik said, go check out the forging section. BUT dont be limited to that forum. Spread out and get involved with the community! But remember to read the rules, or just post with common sense. So i hope to see your maps around and you around! Again, welcome :]
Welcome. I've seen paradise plaza, and the rest of your ideas sounds awesome. I look forward to seeing your maps.
Just so you know, I think that Haloscreenshots is still down. Seems like you've got a set of maps coming up, and i'll try and look out for them. See da link below for help. Chow!