Can someone please take the picture of me and crop my face over that other guys? Its not very difficult but it will take a few minutes to get the proportions right and to get it to look good. Its nothing serious, just something for an inside joke between me and my friend. Whoever does will get free candy if you come to my van
take a better picture please...that one is lq and the one you want it on is more high quality. Therefore they wouldn't blend well together.
It doesn't need to be good, i would do it but my laptop is broken atm. If you could just drop the head and paste it over his it will work, like what xylom did, but in the right area. Thanks huntar, but you took it too far haha. Its a nice job, but i just need my head plopped on there.
That works haha Ill leave the thread open to see what others do but in the mean time thanks Huntar, your free candy can be picked up at 913 jeffrey ave in Chicago
get me a better quality picture with less facial fail and then ill get you a better result. shes hot btw
Oh man this is by far the best G@A thread evar. I can't look at any of these posts without laughing. Lock that pic was great, actually looks real.