I'm not asking what your gonna do when you buy the game, I mean right when you start up the campaign. Right when you jump out of the Drop Pod? Are you gonna shoot your new guns? Are you going to check out the VISR? What about experiencing how high you can jump? Me, I'll probably check out the new scope on my SMG and Auto-Mag.
^What He Said But, really, I'm just going to figure it out one by one. First moving and jumping around, then messing around with the guns, then tools and so on. I have a question though, how do you get the mythic map pack, is it from buying odst?
im pretty sure you get mythic map pack when you buy odst and i think they will be coming out with on the market place too. but i could be wrong OT: i will prolly try everything out and get to know how to do everything
I don't think they will be coming out on marketplace, Bungie has never actually said that... yet. Anyways, I want you guys to post the first thing you do in campaign. As in the very first action. I doubt you'll be able to actually do all of those mentioned things right when the campaign starts.... or maybe you can.
I'm just gonna see if we're actually ODST's. Not jumping too high and running slower than MC. Then check out my new guns and in co-op activate my VISR. Plus, yea look at the skyline.
Activate my VISR, see a pack of Grunts, run in the middle of them guns blazing, realise there are also Brutes, realise I'm an ODST not an invincible 7-Foot Machine, and die. First time playing a game is a bit of trial and error and maybe some improvement haha
I'd probably start out by randomly running and jumping around in circles to test my ODST's agility, then check out the VISR and new scope. Then, I'd test the new Automag pistol on a pack of grunts to see how powerful it is.
^What he said. I'm just going to fool around. I guarantee I'll realize I'm not on Bumper Jumper or 7 sens.
I'm probably going to see the difference in the weapons and what weapons you can pick up. I know all also see if there is a difference with the odst tea bagging a grunt.
It is less fun to plan what you are going to do before the game comes out... It is more fun to have 500 options thrown at you when you are at the menu. If I were to do anything, I would probably wait in the drop pod and pretend like im still in an awesomesauce cutscene.