I know the game is a long way away, but it doesn't seem like it's generated much discussion around the forum. We know basically nothing besides that it's a prequel, so let's toss around some ideas? Gameplay, story, whatever, anything goes. Since this is supposedly the "last" Halo game (let's see how long that holds up), I hope Bungie acknowledges the end of Halo 3. What if the planet from Halo 3's legendary ending turned out to be Reach (completely unlikely, I know, but I can dream dammit) and Halo: Reach was told through flashbacks Chief has? It'd be kind of cheesy, but I sure wouldn't mind. Again, I know it's totally unlikely, but eh, it's an idea.
Im guessing that the ending will be when 117 escapes on The Pillar of Autumn. Things I would love to see: `Customizable leg armor. `System that stops boosting from being possible in matchmaking `Longer campaign that is similar to Halo:CE (more open world) `Bigger multiplayer (maximum players) `Bigger maps `Halo:CE Magnum `Leg Armor- to replace katana- Revolver that dangles on leg. `Drivable Pelicans/ Phantoms (not gonna happen =P ) `Wide variety of maps (more like Halo 2 selection- those were perfect) `Blood Gulch! `Night Vision sniper scope `More maps based in cities and UNSC space carriers- ex: Boarding Action and Headlong/Turf `Scarabs `Reach firefight `Scorpion- Side seats (Halo CE) `Manly AR- old noise and model for Assault Rifle.
BOLD TEXT IS FALSE Underline text is smart they are gonna keep making games, as long as they make money, also i think(probably wrong) it is a book, or a planet we dont no much, ima wait till the beta, also it may be not till 2011 when it comes out, as halo wars said it would be made in 2008 in agaust, i hope there is more gameplay changes than campaign and i HOPE they improve matchmaking
Fall of Reach is a book about the planet "Reach" Reach is the planet that was glassed directly before the story of Halo:CE. Most of the Spartans died on the planet while fighting the Covenant.
Heres my theory: In this picture, These are the five spartans in master chief's squad, John - 117 in the middle, Samuel - 034 on the left, linda - 54 on the right, and either Kelly or Frederic beside John. If you read the book 'Fall of Reach' you'd know that the pieces fit perfectly for that one, I'm almost certain that those are the characters. Read more about Fall of Reach here, and a huge spoiler warning because the fate of most of the said spartans are in that book. Everything past this point for me is purely speculation. Oh, and the guy to the right of master chief is holding some sort of a knife, which would be pretty stupid so I hope I'm wrong.
You're right Seaboro, it does look like the fourth guy is holding a knife in his right hand. I think that would be pretty cool, seems like playing as that character would be more stealth based than anything. And the guy to the farthest left looks larger than the others. At first I thought he was carrying a machine gun turret in his left hand, but now it kinda looks like a shotgun if I'm not mistaken... Some people say it will be a squad based shooter, I'm hoping it's got some sort of leveling system with stats and stuff. But I doubt it... It's already confirmed that the events will be based on those in Fall of Reach, at least I think so.
Halo reach: A Mix of Far Cry 2, H3 ODST and Halo 3? that would be coooooool and the one on the far right is linda, shes obviously holding a sniper.
I hope they add things like; Dual sword elites since chieftains will not be around. Locust, the vehicle from halo wars. Much more customizable elite armor, I want equal customization for elites and spartans. More weapons in general, examples could be actual katanas, grenade launchers, possibly freeze grenades or flashbang grenades, other things. flashlights in multiplayer for infection mode have infecteds default look be flood but be able to make them look normal in options. have a brute option for multiplayer character model honor guard armor for elites more vehicles, including some from halo wars like the grizzly tank, the vulture (I think that's what its called) etc. have the campaign more open world like halo 3: ODST have a more of a mystery shooter feel like halo 3: ODST will I have a few other ideas like maybe some kind pf mech looking vehicle.
I'm pretty sure Brutes were around then. In Halo Wars I'm pretty sure I heard a mention of Brutes being the ones that were the ones that caused the attack on Reach. I have not read the book so I'm not sure if they followed it from that. I don't really know what I want to be in the game, I'd be happy if it stayed the same as what Halo is now but I'll still be happy if it's a squad based shooter.
Things i want to see: Relativly long campaign More open levels (halo: ce A big variatie of maps Morre powerful magnum (halo: ce) Fire fight The weather changes on maps with the season (could be cool. Example snow on valhalla melts in summer) No needlers Forging map packs. By this i mean you could pay to increase (double) your amount of item and or budget.
I read Fall of Reach quite awhile back, and if I remember correctly. I think the first thing that attacked Reach were Forerunners. I seem to remember sections of the book describing sentinel beams, and floating orbs. I don't remember a single Brute being mentioned during the story. After coming in contact with the Forerunners, I'm sure that's when the Covenant showed up.
Confirmed to be FPS. Brutes attacked Harvest, not reach. That's Ghosts of Onyx, not Fall of Reach. And I haven't read it yet, but I know Contact Harvest is about mainly brutes.
. Wow. Where to begin. Customised Armor in Campaign? NO. ELITES. WHAT. SO. EVERR!! Better Weapons. Ie. CE Magnum, CE AR, H2 Rockets etc. Paint Tool In Forge?
Ohhh, I forgot all about Forge. If there's only one thing Bungie gives us in the new Forge, it should be cut/copy/paste with the option to select multiple pieces at once.
They didnt put budgets in for shits and giggles. If you could have as many objects as people would want it would cause the game to lag with so many objects on the map. So thats highly unlikely to happen in Reach.
Yay! Speculation! How about a Natal game where you get to use hand guns, as in, using your hands as the guns!
First, this is going to be the last Halo game by Bungie. The newly formed "wing" of Microsoft, 343 Industries, will handle future games/books/whatever. Second, I like the idea about the game following John's squad on Reach but I don't think it'll happen. It'll probably have something to do with S-259, whoever that is seeing as he is a formerly unheard of Spartan. I really don't like speculating about this and this point. With ODST a month out, all my attention is at it. This will be more promenant in my mind a month or so after ODST.
Some games should never be released on Natal. Other games, not so much. I'm speculating that Reach will have a lot more action than in the previous games, ex. large battles, breath taking scenery, space battles, air battles, glassing, and so forth. I really wanted Reach to include space battles and controllable spacecraft and ships and awesome stuff like that, but I guess another FPS game is still cool.
prediction: it will be winsauce something i would like to see them add is more different weapons, they've stayed pretty true to the weapon set and it would be cool to see something new