Debate God

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Dec 17, 2008.

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  1. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    How would the existence of a god give my life any more meaning?
  2. Chuck A Duck

    Chuck A Duck Ancient
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    for me, its knowing that my life isnt for nothing, that He has a plan for me whether its big or small, that im going to live on forever with Him and my loved ones

    why dont u believe and find out for yourself? u might be surprised
  3. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    Oh really? did he tell you that himself?
  4. oscarstrok

    oscarstrok Ancient
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    is science the new religeon? OF COURSE NOT lol

    but anyway, you know that whole thng in ireland, you know, the terrorists attack, catholics fighting prodestants, not very religeou is it for a religeon.
    too bad i was in the middle of a riot against the two, 2 broken ribs and a broken arm, and i was there by accident, thats why i dont like religeon
    #2524 oscarstrok, Aug 23, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2009
  5. Chuck A Duck

    Chuck A Duck Ancient
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    "Oh really? did he tell you that himself? "

    if ur talking about

    "for me, its knowing that my life isnt for nothing, that He has a plan for me whether its big or small, that im going to live on forever with Him and my loved ones"

    no he didnt tell me that Himself, but through the Bible

    or if u were talking about

    "why dont u believe and find out for yourself? u might be surprised"

    no that was just something i thought i would throw in

    and r u trying to make joke because ur doubting ur own beliefs? or are u running out of things to say? or both?
  6. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Dow, he's putting up some very good points and just calling him names won't help anyone. Either reply sensibly, or don't reply at all.. Now you might call me a hypocrite, but I've got reason behind my "insensible" posts.
    Oh yea! And when you help the poor, you're actually kicking them in the face and telling them to stfu!! Yea, and following the 10 Commandments does absolutely nothing for you!! YEA! And just generally helping people out on a daily basis is sooo full of crap! Why would you ever do this?!
    (The Bible promotes all these things, if you didn't know)
    Yet, you're sitting on your ass replying to people about religion, and playing forge on your xbox 360.

    Here's my advice to you in life, Dow:

    • Don't be disrespectful.

    • Be open minded.

    • The only way you'll ever makes friends is if you are friendly to them.

    • Don't judge others.
    and most of all,

    • Don't be a dumbass.

    Got it?
    Sexism wasn't around those days, so you can't really expect people to know the future. Yes, God speaks through these authors, but it's up to the authors to write it. Plus, I think Jesus said Him first, and the first person to ever exist was a man, so it all kind of adds up. (Go men!! lol) And I doubt any intelligent woman would really care if God was referred to as Him.
    Holy crap, I get so tired of these random questions...

    My question is how wouldn't the existence of a god give my life any more meaning?
  7. oscarstrok

    oscarstrok Ancient
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    i dont doubt my belifs, i dont belive in any religeon, either do my parents, im an athiest. if god exist, why are some peope mentaly and phisicaly ill.
    why do some people have cancer, why do some babies suffer death. surely he cant be that good if he does exists. i leart in re class that if these things happen, the parents are to bame because of there sins, but what if they were good, or religeous.
    #2527 oscarstrok, Aug 23, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2009
  8. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    Limiting factors. They limit the population so that people don't go overloading the place, then die out.

    We already went over this...
  9. Chuck A Duck

    Chuck A Duck Ancient
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    oscar: this isnt an easy topic because we just dont freakin know, but if u ask me i personally have serveral opinons:

    that he does this to make us more thankful for our own life,
    he puts them on this earth with birth defects so we can help them
    he might be punishing the parents (that ones a stretch)
    or he does it to remind us that we should also fear Him

    like i said u picked a difficult no good answer topic but that doesnt mean u shouldnt give up on believing in God just because of this reason

    or wat er1co said
  10. oscarstrok

    oscarstrok Ancient
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    why should we fear god, if de does exists, and why sold we let peope die of cancer, should we travel to the stars and make ally's and enemy's with alien races, or stay on earth, alot of scientists belive that the earth was a giant lump of rock, but storms and volcanoes made the atoshpere and water, and soon later, a meteor crashed on the earth which carried bacterium, which soom evoled into invertebrates, then fish, them aphibions, then lizards, then birds, then mammals. theres alot of proof supporting this theoy. but if there was a god, could he be bad, could there bae many gods, like god of economics, god of military?
    is god a scientific organism that lives in galaxy's, is our panet a god?
    so man questions to question that you just lose faith
    #2530 oscarstrok, Aug 23, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2009
  11. Purexist

    Purexist Ancient
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    Oh man, this went on all night and I missed it? Shame. I gotta say though, I'm thoroughly disappointed with the talkings points of the christian side. I just read through 4 pages of quotes taken out of context, Glenn Beck-style inflammatory language intended to intimidate, the worst circular logics possible... I was hoping for something a little more mentally challenging. Nobody even tried to answer my last post. A little too definitive for you? It definitely debunks your "experience" canard, Erico.

    Look, we've been through all these arguments a million times. We know we can't see him, that he works in mysterious ways, that we should just have faith, blah blah ****ing blah. I'll ask again; I want SPECIFIC arguments, these generalizations are worthless. This debate has to be about science, logic, and evidence, otherwise there's no point to it. So give me something a little more advanced than "I sure done felt him so he must be so!"
  12. Chuck A Duck

    Chuck A Duck Ancient
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    oscar: we know that we should fear God because he wants us to fear him (we know that from the Bible) he gave us life and he can take it away anytime he wants,

    and i dont know about the traveling to other planets i dont see anything wrong with it but i dont know how we can but u never know...

    do u really believe that all that stuff could have happened in the right place and right time and the right conditions to form the sophisticated world that we live in today? i wish i had the number of the odds of that happening but i dont, and hey if science supports it maybe it did happen with God planning it every step of the way, but scientist have been wrong before

    and the Bible tells us of demons and other gods (little g) in the Bible so yes there were other gods, do they still exsist? i have no clue
  13. oscarstrok

    oscarstrok Ancient
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    mabey god is god of the human species, there could be many others for many other species
  14. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    No, we don't know anything God wants. However, anyone is free to believe that.

    What is alive now is just what conforms to the surrounding environment. Remember, the Earth came first, then the living organisms. Not the other way around.
    #2534 EonsAgo, Aug 23, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2009
  15. Chuck A Duck

    Chuck A Duck Ancient
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    ehhhh no sorry God made them, they are not intelligent enought to have gods, and u dont see monkeys gathering for ritual sacrifices
  16. shiruken

    shiruken Ancient
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    This isn't one of those types of debates though. The basis of religion is belief in something that can never be proven via a scientific analysis. Those who argue in favor of it simply have to say they believe it to be true and there is no reason that that statement cannot be true. Whereas science requires solid, verifiable evidence to make statements, religion merely requires a person to believe.
  17. Purexist

    Purexist Ancient
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    Chuck: your first mistake is that you're using the bible as truth. It's not, it's just a book.

    Travelling to other planets is of course possible. The radiation is our biggest obstacle, but gene therapies will conquer that hurdle eventually, just like mankind has gotten over every other obstacle.

    Everything DID happen in the right place and the right time. They just found amino acids on asteroids, so there's your organic molecules coming in to earth right there. The rest just takes time... I don't think you actually realize how much time has passed. God can't influence science. Even scientists that believe in god do NOT believe that he is a ever a factor in their experiments. If they did, they would be biased, or their control would be tainted, and it would end up not being good science. I've said before, if god appeared today, the first thing that scientists would do is to classify and study him. They've never seen evidence however, so it's safe to ignore the possibility.

    Again, demons, other gods, it doesn't matter. The bible is a good tool for morality, but it's not true. Bats aren't birds, prawns aren't abominations, gays shouldn't be stoned to death, etc.
    #2537 Purexist, Aug 23, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2009
  18. Chuck A Duck

    Chuck A Duck Ancient
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    "No, we don't know anything God wants. However, anyone is free to believe that."

    we do know that he wants to be feared anyone who has read a chapter of the Bible can tell u that, and we do know that he loves us and he wants us to return the favor,
  19. shiruken

    shiruken Ancient
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    Why should we love someone who we are also supposed to fear?
  20. EonsAgo

    EonsAgo Ancient
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    Again, your trust in the Bible is not a universal... feeling among all people. It is what you believe.
    (Helpful hint, you can click the [​IMG] button in someone's post if you want to quote that person.)
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