Debate God

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nitrous, Dec 17, 2008.

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  1. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    Now if only Erico would read that.

    These words are a bunch of meaningless crap, confusing memory with identity.

    Whoever wrote this is not a ****ing neuroscientist.

    Definitely no neuroscientific knowledge here.
  2. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    1) Could you reply now or soon, while what I said is still relevant to the topic at hand?

    2) That is your personal experience? I thought you're in China...

    But either way, that doesn't prove God, it is taking an act of nature and declaring it what you want so as to further your beliefs. (you as in you, or any other person claiming it an act of God)

    Besides the fact that if it was God doing that, and he is further saying Homosexuality is sin, it is further a reason to despise him. And further proof we as humans are much more morally superior to God. Atleast, most people are.

    That the tornado hit the church and then faded off does not prove God in anyway. First of all, if God sent it, or Jesus sent it or whatever, why didn't it just start at the church and hit it, then stop? Why did it form way off and make it to the church? He had to damage everything else first to make a point to those not even involved? Good going God!

    And there are reasons a tornado could fade off. Mainly being tornados don't usually last very long anyway, and it ran out of power. The wind speed was just barely at a velocity large enough to support the funnel, and it was dying down as it went.

    The only argument is the coincidence that it faded after hitting the church. And coincidences aren't proof of anything. They are just that, a coincidence. There are plenty of tornados that DON'T hit churches, and we don't hear about them, or use them as proof constantly to disprove God.

    EDIT: Sorry to ROFL about using this format... I'm feeling lazy and didn't want to have to separate the quotes, because its 5 in the morning and I'm tired.
    #2502 Pigglez, Aug 23, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2009
  3. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    That is from a local news source.
    Your missing the point. Of course, if you are looking to find proof of god in random events, you will find proof of god in random events.
    What if you were a radical Zoroastrian? You would look at that story and say "It is god showing us that the Christians are evil!"
  4. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    You don't have evidence against it.
    It wasn't just humor.
    It's comments like these that make me think you're biased. So I'm going to conclude that you're biased, without a doubt.
    There isn't "full" proof, as you'd say it. God did a good job of covering it up.
    Nah, I'd rather you actually look for it. I just posted it today.

    So now it's "of course you'll find proof"... I guess that's a progression. I'm just saying you'll find it if you search. That's all.
    Then they wouldn't be looking at the full story.

    I've gotta go... actually to church lol... so bai...
    It's not my personal experience.
    #2504 Monolith, Aug 23, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2009
  5. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    if your looking for something to take your mind off of god and simplify your ultimate equation, go read "Pooh and the Philosophers." Its amazing, but does not suggest one bit of anything about spiritual being and how it could potentialy exist.

    guys, seriously, go do it, you'll be cured

    and for religeous people
    YouTube - The Christianity Cult (more crazy Christians)
    take that mofuckers

    omg at 1:00, scary ****
    #2505 R0FLninja, Aug 23, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2009
  6. Pigglez

    Pigglez Ancient
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    Please read/respond to my post now. I already covered in there how silly your "bias" argument is. Everyone in this thread is biased. You are just as biased to your point of view as anyone else here.

  7. RabidZergling

    RabidZergling Ancient
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    (1) Did you miss everything earlier, where we concluded that you have to prove a positive, and that I am not responsible for proving a negative?
    (2) I'll quote myself "That same site has many more articles about the detailed functions of our brain."
    (3) There is no 'substance' that makes us smart. ****, it's like saying that there is a special substance that spontaneously produces Xbox 360s. We are intelligent creatures because of how our brain cells interact with one another, which can be seen through - that's right - brain scans!
    (4) There is not "full" proof, because there is still not any proof. Listen - you can't just try to prove that a soul can potentially help us, and therefore it must exist. You need to give direct proof that a soul exists.
    (5) You can only delay for so long...
  8. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    (1)...I guess I did
    (2)I have no idea what you're talking about because you aren't quoting anything, so I'm going to be like you, and ask you to quote every single reference, then be a hypocrite and start doing this kind of format.
    (3)I don't think you got my quote. Try rereading it.
    (4)There are small parts of proof. Saying there isn't any proof is being rather stubborn after I just supplied you what I think is proof.
    (5)And I'm trying to delay soo badly right now.. There you go assuming things.

    He can see who's the true followers by not providing what you see as "true evidence". *sigh* I've already explained this.
    He doesn't want evil support, you know like double agents and stuff. Please stop ranting, and start rereading things so you can stay up with the debate.

    ...All I see you're doing is trying to insult my religion. Great way of debating right thar...

    Please give examples

    Do I seriously have to go through this? *sigh* let me go back and find the quote...

    So it's obvious you haven't looked at the other stuff in this thread.... so I don't really feel like quoting myself again and again and again for all your questions.
  9. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    If there is a God, and to not be eternally damned to a painful hell you have to believe in it, why did it try so hard to make it harder to believe in it? Does it want people to go to hell?
    It isn't space AND time, it's spacetime. Nobody knows if the "big bang" started from nothing, there may have been a big crunch of another universe before, it may be a never ending cycle. Also, how can God have began from nothing?
    Before you start claiming you're standing from an Atheist's point of view, try to learn more about it, don't assume EVERY atheist believes in the Big Bang and don't ask Atheist's to "Step into the religious mind and think about it" unless you're saying that almost every religious person thinks similarly.

    And think about this:
    Why should this existence be God? Why could this existence be god?

    This goes back to my first point. Surely it's evil to create life, let them know if you don't believe in it you go to hell and make it incredibly hard to believe in it.
  10. Monolith

    Monolith Ancient
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    How can this never ending cycle of yours have began from nothing?
    It goes both ways, believe me, I've looked at many sides of each argument.

    ...btw, God is the beginning and the end. He can be time itself.

    It's an idea. Most religious people think rather similarly; that there's a God, and we have a purpose.

    ...btw, atheists tend to see similarly. They're called atheist for a reason.

    And think about this:
    I'm one step ahead of ya ;)
    Already thought about it, and I am not going to go look through a 3000 posts again.

    Let me break this down.
    Okay, I understand this.
    umm... okay, I don't know why you're talking about this..
    Let who believe in what?? Now I'm confused
    Okay... so you're saying God makes it incredibly hard to believe in Christianity... I think...

    Let me ask you one thing...

    Well, what would you do if you only wanted pure/true followers?
  11. Chuck A Duck

    Chuck A Duck Ancient
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    even the most ancient of people looked up into the sky and knew that they couldnt just be here, that this couldnt just be a mistake, they knew that there had to be a creator, they knew that someone had to put them on the earth, even today anyone with common sense knows that (now what they believe God did after that is a different argument)

    i say look up into the sky one night and think to urself "how could this be random?", "am i an accident?", "if i am why should i continue to live?", no, everything in this world fits together too perfectly, we have a purpose, and even if u truely dont believe any of this u have to because then what is the point of life? u need hope, u need to believe that there is an afterlife, something to look forward to.

    i truely have no respect for aethist (sorry) because they are usually stubborn or dumb, everyone should at least believe that there is a God
  12. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    This is probably the worst argument ever posted in this thread. You have given no supporting facts or insights toward your statements. No, there is not a god just because there "has to be".

    And for the record

    I could just as easily say that, but I am not, because I am not an ignorant, arrogant fool.

    Oh, and just so you know, that bit about the ancient civilizations didn't make you look any less ignorant.
    #2512 Dow, Aug 23, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2009
  13. oscarstrok

    oscarstrok Ancient
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    this debatw is fun :D

    i like science
  14. Chuck A Duck

    Chuck A Duck Ancient
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    fine.... dow so lets say

    1) there isnt a God: if u dont believe in Him, ur right, u won, congratz, im sure u can rub it in while we are all rotting in the earth together, if u did believe in God u die happy thinking we have eternal life, and have lived a nice fufilling life


    2) there is a God: if u didnt believe in Him, if u turned down everybody that tried to help u, well lets just say u wont be happy with the end result, if u did believe u live a fufilling life and u get a great eternal life in heaven

    so judging by this u could say that it is better to believe in God than not to
    #2514 Chuck A Duck, Aug 23, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2009
  15. Dow

    Dow Ancient
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    If you are implying that being an Atheist bears no reward, then you are sadly mistaken. I don't have to lie to myself about how a magic man in the sky is going to help me out every time I am too lazy to take action myself.

    Fact is, religion brings false hope, which is something I want to avoid. I would much rather get off my ass and try to fix something, than sit on my ass and pray.
  16. oscarstrok

    oscarstrok Ancient
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    don forget extremists, killing people who dont belive in there religeon, like the taliban

    and that extremist on the davinci code
    #2516 oscarstrok, Aug 23, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2009
  17. Chuck A Duck

    Chuck A Duck Ancient
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    then why are u here? why are u still getting up everymorning and living ur life? wont it all be wasted in the end? why havent u gave up yet? is it because in the back of ur head u know there is something more? is it because u want to believe that there is something more?

    why? how do u get continue without hope? even if it may be false hope, isnt false hope better than no hope at all?
  18. oscarstrok

    oscarstrok Ancient
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    why not
    #2518 oscarstrok, Aug 23, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2009
  19. Chuck A Duck

    Chuck A Duck Ancient
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    believing in God doesnt mean u cant enjoy urself ( and u can still get a job) so why not do all this and still believe? then u can have eternal life when u die
  20. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    What I don't get is why people refer to God as "Him", maybe it's because the bible shows evidence of sexism towards women.
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