Mythic DLC Aliens Landing on the Tree House!

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Crusadermike, Aug 22, 2009.

  1. Crusadermike

    Crusadermike Ancient
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    My Introduction!
    Hello forge hub community! Here's a mini-game map I made that you may want to read a little story I thought of to go with it, just to put the game into perspective and understand the game a little bit better! Okay so once upon a time... LOL I'm jk, hopefully more interesting than that

    The Story!
    In the year 24XX during the covenant and human war we find our odst heroes captured on an enemy warship called "Stratigon XIII" where they were held prisoner. While there they were stripped of their weapons and confined, but luckily MASTER CHIEF SHOWED UP TO SAVE THE DAY!!!(Not really, I jk) Anyways, whilist the Stratigon XIII was returning to the plant "Ikazy" where they force their prisoners to mining in a complete wasteland not only as punishment but also in hopes of finding plasma fuel reserves to use in their ships and refuel their ship, being that it was in need of fuel after fleeing from the battle it had just came from, with no covenant outposts in range. So the odsts were taken there and lead to the teleporter chamber to beam down (lol). Suddenly, the teleporter malfunctioned due to the low energy being that the ship had a scarcity of fuel, it did in fact teleport a small group of odsts down to the planet but they definitely were in the wasteland part of the planet where cliffs float and gravity is magnetically distorted. Being odsts, when the few guards were beamed down with them, they quickly noticed the malfunction and made a successful attempt of beating down the elite guards, thus they stole their plasma pistols as well. Now that they are in a floating wasteland of a prison planet, the small band of odsts prepare themselves for a fight in which they know is coming, for the ship was bound to pick them up on their radar eventually. Three Days went by and the huge warship Stratigon XIII had discovered their makeshift "Treehouse" fort and sent down a small scout ship to take them back as prisoners so that they will work, for it was not only free labor, it was labor from the enemy in which they were treated worse than slaves. The odsts saw them and were ready, after luckily finding the Treehouse and setting up the quickest they could, they found a teleporter and rewired it to contact the nearest human ship they could. Sadly, they didn't make contact until the third day when they attackers came, and after explaning their position, the UNSC Panther XII while under fire in space, responded by sending any spare weapons and supplies they could on the tree house's coordinates. With those supplies, food, drink, necessities, and eventual weapons, the humans must hold off the base from the covenant who threaten to blow them up if they do not surrender! Soooo who will win? It's up to you to decide!

    Game Intro!
    Aliens Landing [on] (the Tree House)
    Gametype = Assault - One Bomb
    Recommended Players = 8-12
    Mini-game Map!
    Okay, so the gametype is Assault and there are two weapon themes on the map, one is quite simple actually and the other has a few more weapon options. I'll introduce the teams separately, attackers and defenders.

    The attackers are the aliens and they have only an option of two weapons, their plasma pistols they spawn with, or a plasma turret! Okay well you can decide, I think it's rather an easy choice huh? Due to a little bit complex respawn settings and the use of a custom power-up, there is only 5 seconds allowed in picking up your weapon after you pick up the custom power-up, which is only in the attackers spawn. Then, without noticing, you may very well pick up a plasma nade or two on your way out of the man cannon, it depends on how fast you are ready to go! Man cannon spawns 20 seconds into the game, which gives defenders just a little big of time to get downstairs in good positions and ready to fight. There is one bomb, the attackers get it, and whoever picks it up will have 4x overshield but only go 50% speed, which also gives the necessity of protecting the bomb carrier instead of maybe rushing into the base first, this also gives defenders another slight boost in their defence. Attackers are very consistent in their weapons, they may use plasma pistol or the turret, drop the turret to throw grenades/use plasma pistol, or just charge and beat down people with the plasma pistol. Must stick together as a team in order not to get out-numbered or eventually out-gunned by the odsts who receive weapons every minute. One bomb plant to win the round, best of 5 rounds wins!

    The defenders are the remaining odsts who have been able to live off very little to none food, water, or any supplies for 3 days, and found an abandoned tree house where they instinctively prepare it for battle. The weapons spawn, or are "teleported from the UNSC Panther XII" every minute in the top room of the tree house, 1st minute = smgs/assault rifles, 2nd Minute = battle rifles, 3rd minute = a shotgun and a sniper. The defenders start off as the under-dawgs, but gameplay is very open due to the factor known as TEAM WORK! With good team work, constant defending outside of the base, and great usage of the weapons, humans may very well have the upper hand and successfully defend their base from the attackers for 4 minutes! And thus, not losing a point to the other team. The defenders start off the game rough because all they have are their plasma pistols that they managed to take off the guards they killed in the story, so they must use the cover of their base and good team work to over power the aliens with their own weapons! Although... inferior. Defend the base from the zombies for a minute and with good teamwork, will eventually push the zombies out of attacking at your door step to you attacking them at theirs.

    Plasma Turret x Infinite
    Plasma Grenades x Infinite
    Machine Gun Turret x 2
    Smgs x 8
    Assault Rifles x 4
    Battle Rifles x 4
    Sniper Rifle x 1
    Shotgun x 1

    The Statistics!

    Aliens and Humans

    300% Damage Modifier
    300% Damage Resistance
    100% Speed
    100% Gravity

    Alien Color = Blue, Purple when spawn to indicate choosing a weapon (with custom power-up, without you'll be orange 5 secs)
    Human Color = Red, Orange when spawn to indicate choosing a weapon (for 5 seconds, respawn traits for everyone)

    Bomber Color/Traits = White, x4 Overshields, 50% Speed, All Else Unchanged
    Starting Weapon = Plasma Pistol
    Starting Grenades = None
    Infinite Ammo = Yes

    Weapon Pick-up = No, overrided only with Custom-Powerup and Respawn Traits for a maximum of five seconds, as well as color changes, they will only last up to 5 seconds too

    The Pictures!
    Map Overview! Attackers ship, Defenders tree house, and a cross in honor of Jesus!!!!!
    Defenders' Base Overview! Tree House
    Defenders' Base Overview #2! Tree House
    Attackers' Base Overview! Alien Ship
    Attackers' Base Overview #2! Alien Ship
    Defenders' Turf! Middle Area
    Attackers' Bridge! Middle Area
    Cross in honor of Jesus! He is the CENTER of the life I don't own, but He does!!! If you take offence or wonder about this, then please, by all means consider the cross my signature. Just as people like to make their initials or name out of teleporter nodes, the cross is a representation of who I am, in Jesus, because my identity is in Him! Thank you for understanding and if you must accept an explaination of how the cross is in any way affiliated with the story, then let me add here that as I believe, without Jesus who DIED on the CROSS I wouldn't be here, and thus this map wouldn't be here, or would this cross be here. Oh and for me it could only add to my gameplay abilities, I mean, what better modivation can there be? None better for me, thank you for your time and consideration!
    *Psssssp I'll let you in on a secret, I think it looks cool, and goes with my story, the story behind the story. Thanks :)*

    Download Links Here!
    Map Variant : Halo 3 File Details

    Thanks! Please tell me how you like that map, feel free to take it and alter it in anyway and make a map out of it if you happen to like it! Just as long as you mention that you used my map to do so, or other words don't steal credit :) but you can use it if you want and I give permission! Okay well I'd love to know what you guys think!

    EDIT: I haven't tested spawns, definitely with large parties, so please tell me if something wrong happens! Either way, I don't have live so lol I'm sorry... But I'm throwing this out here because I had just thought of the possibility of spawns not working right. Hah, I will go ahead and say I only put a couple, I did spawns last and ran out of item limit so I was seeing if it would work on bare minimum. Well if it doesn't work out, just post it please, and thanks! Can't do anything about it now though, lol.
    #1 Crusadermike, Aug 22, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2009
  2. i5m I Joker

    i5m I Joker Ancient
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    wow, you are ruining your own map.
    why is there a cross in front of a treehouse?
    why is there a cross in front of a spaceship?
    why do aliens attack treehouses? (i havent read your story)
    why a cross? it has nothing to do with the whole scenery, or am i wrong? if you forge golgatha you can put a cross on it, but keep your religion to yourself ...
    #2 i5m I Joker, Aug 22, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2009
  3. Crusadermike

    Crusadermike Ancient
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    Thanks man, I will suggest you go ahead and download it and oh you can delete it if you want if you really are interested in the map, which I do not prefer at all for you to do, but thanks for your feedback, good or bad.
  4. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Cool. Delete the cross and maybe I'll download. It's the most random and disgraceful thing that I have come across in a while. I don't give a damn about your bio, but to just have a controversial symbol in a map for NO reason is beyond retarded. It makes no sense. Remove the cross because we dont want to do it. That's your job.

    No no no, this is totally ridiculous. And sad.

    Onto the map. I like the turf design, Its pretty cool. But I don't get the back story, its crap. I don't even have the willpower to understand why the ODSTs are in a floating treehouse and why there is a hovering 150 foot tall cross. What's going on?
  5. 12 inch winner

    12 inch winner Ancient
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    showing your faith isnt bad but i would recommend leaving it out of your map because im sure that somebody will find a reason to be offended because of it, im not im just saying others might. but other then that the map is very asthetically pleasing but looks like a big funnel to me that the aliens have to go trough to be killed. but then again i guess the custom power ups solve that. ill give this map a 4/5.
  6. Crusadermike

    Crusadermike Ancient
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    People sometimes like to right their own sigs with teleporters or map scenery into their maps. God IS my LIFE, and what could describe me better than Him? He is my identity. Take offence to what you want, but read the phrase again "take offence" which is different than me "giving, or issuing, or inflicting offence" being that in fact you take hurt to something on your own behalf. Thanks for understanding, and if you want to, please read my quote above (will place here). Thanks for all the feedback everyone, good or bad!

  7. BigRedThing

    BigRedThing Ancient
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    Map looks good. Pretty random, but I think it works. Think it's awesome that you made your map different by incorporating something you enjoy into it. I also think that people are a bunch of dbags that bash your religion and get all butt hurt just because you put a cross in your map. You don't like it? Don't download it. Seems pretty simple to me.
  8. lightsin017

    lightsin017 Ancient
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    I like the map u Made its very nice but im not sure about the gametype for it but i will still download and test it though rate: 4.5/5
  9. Benzu Akamaru

    Benzu Akamaru Ancient
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    Okay, I'm a christian, too. But I do have to say that there are better ways to use your religion than to put a symbol of it in your map. I mean, one GREAT way were those pictures about "I love him" that you see on alot of fileshares these days, but if you just put it in front of a map, it looks ugly and that turns people away from the truth.

    Just giving you a heads up! But I can't really say anything beyond this because the intro and explanation were too long and I didn't bother to read them. (P.S. You put LOL waay too much in your post)
  10. cowboypickle23

    cowboypickle23 Ancient
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    im a catholic and im really proud of you for standing up for our savior. nice. as for the map it actually looks pretty nice. idk if im gonna dl it though du to shortage of memory. keep up the good word
  11. jakob hunter

    jakob hunter Ancient
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    i for one love the randomness of this map it was actually very creative and required thinking out side of the box to come up with such a long story and unique map i will dl just for that (i didnt read the whole story :) the forging in some parts is a little sloppy but in other places it is really nice.

    Why do people make such a big deal about a cross being on the map i think it is good that he put it in as a sig of a sort i am also christian and think that him doing this is great. People get way to "offended" by just a cross i mean really people have made temples and shrines and i have not seen any one get offended by those but just one cross on the map c'mon although we probably should drop the subject due to the fact this is a forge forum not a religious debate forum.
    #11 jakob hunter, Aug 28, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2009

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