Achievement Help

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Orbiter891, Aug 18, 2009.

  1. Orbiter891

    Orbiter891 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm making this thread to let people know that if they have any achievement they need help with that needs more than 1 person i will help them. No matter how hard or how annoying the achievement is, i will help you get it. Just post what achievement you need help with and when you want to try getting it and i'll be there to help.

    Halo 3 Achievments i'll help with:
    Mission Achievements
    1. Landfall (20)
    - Finish the first mission on any difficulty above Easy
    2. Holdout (20)
    - Finish the second mission on any difficulty above Easy
    3. The Road (20)
    - Finish the third mission on any difficulty above Easy
    4. Assualt (30)
    - Finish the fourth mission on any difficulty above Easy
    5. Cleansing (30)
    - Finish the fifth mission on any difficulty above Easy
    6. Refuge (30)
    - Finish the sixth mission on any difficulty above Easy
    7. Last Stand (40)
    - Finish the seventh mission on any difficulty above Easy
    8. The Key (40)
    - Finish the eighth mission on any difficulty above Easy
    9. Return (50)
    - Finish the ninth mission on any difficulty above Easy

    Campaign Achievements
    10. Campaign Complete: Normal (125)
    - Finish the campaign on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary
    11. Campaign Complete: Heroic (125)
    - Finish the campaign on Heroic, or Legendary
    12. Campaign Complete: Legendary (125)
    - Finish the campaign on Legendary
    Achievements and Terminals
    13. Iron (10)
    - Find the skull on any difficulty above easy
    (Look in Skulls section for details)
    14. Black Eye (10)
    - Find the skull on any difficulty above easy
    (Look in Skulls section for details)
    15. Tough Luck (10)
    - Find the skull on any difficulty above easy
    (Look in Skulls section for details)
    16. Catch (10)
    - Find the skull on any difficulty above easy
    (Look in Skulls section for details)
    17. Fog (10)
    - Find the skull on any difficulty above easy
    (Look in Skulls section for details)
    18. Famine (10)
    - Find the skull on any difficulty above easy
    (Look in Skulls section for details)
    19. Thunderstorm (10)
    - Find the skull on any difficulty above easy
    (Look in Skulls section for details)

    20. Tilt (10)
    - Find the skull on any difficulty above easy
    (Look in Skulls section for details)

    21. Mythic (10)
    - Find the skull on any difficulty above easy
    (Look in Skulls section for details)
    22. Marathon Man (40)
    - Locate and access all Terminals in the Campaign above easy
    (Look in Terminals section for details)

    Campaign Scoring
    *Note: Most easily earned on Normal with all gold skulls turned on
    EXCEPT Iron and Black Eye. Mythic is up to you but it does help.
    These achievements aren't as hard to get as it seems.
    22. Guerilla (10)
    - Earn 15,000 points in Campaign Scoring mode on the first
    23. Demon (10)
    - Earn 15,000 points in Campaign Scoring mode on the second
    24. Cavalier (10)
    - Earn 15,000 points in Campaign Scoring mode on the third
    25. Askar (10)
    - Earn 15,000 points in Campaign Scoring mode on the fourth
    26. Exterminator (10)
    - Earn 15,000 points in Campaign Scoring mode on the fifth
    27. Ranger (10)
    - Earn 50,000 points in Campaign Scoring mode on the sixth
    28. Vanguard (10)
    - Earn 50,000 points in Campaign Scoring mode on the seventh
    29. Orpheus (10)
    - Earn 15,000 points in Campaign Scoring mode on the eighth
    20. Reclaimer (10)
    - Earn 15,000 points in Campaign Scoring mode on the ninth

    Multiplayer Achievements ( I can't help you with the lone wolfs achievements so i wrote tips next to them on how to get them easier)
    31. Graduate (10)
    - Earn 5 EXP or finish 10 games to complete training in
    online play

    32. UNSC Spartan (15)
    - Earn a Sergeant rating in online play

    Most easily earned by playing ranked/social team games,
    killing a lot of people, winning a lot of games, and
    making the MVP of the team.

    33. Spartan Officer (25)
    - Become an Officer in online play

    34. Two For One (5)
    - Score a double kill with a single spartan laser shot

    Not an easy achievement to get but it's less difficult on
    the smaller maps, like High Ground. Just grab the spartan
    laser and just hope two enemies get close enough to
    eachother to take them both out in one shot. Try going
    in the bunker with a buddy to protect you in High Ground.
    enemies huddled together around the stairs or in the open.
    Charge, and shoot.

    In Snow Bound, since everyone likes to camp in the under-
    ground cave in the middle, this achievement seems not so
    hard now. Grab the laser up top on the building, go in
    towards the "cave" and sneak up on them and they should
    most likely be there in the center of the cave with the
    connecting tunnels charge and shoot but try to make a
    'fan' effect to whipe out any close together enemies.

    35. Too Close To The Sun (5)
    - Destroy a banshee with the spartan laser or missle pod
    in ranked free for all or in campaign.

    The way I did this one is right in the beginning of The
    Covenant mission. Conserve some spartan laser ammo and
    take out all enemies in the area. When you reach the
    checkpoint where a pelican drops a mongoose and a warthog,
    (right after you kill the anti-air wraith on the hill)
    there should be some banshees flying over head. Zoom in
    and fire. If you miss and are out of ammo, just revert to
    last save and start over.

    36. Triple Kill (5)
    - Kill 3 enemies within 4 seconds of eachother in a ranked
    free for all playlist.

    Easiest way to do this is on the playlist Lone Wolves.
    Grab a shotgun, sword, rocket launcher or turret and join
    in an unsuspecting firefight and unload into the group.

    37. Overkill (5)
    - Kill 4 enemies within 4 seconds of eachother in a ranked
    free for all playlist.

    (Look at Triple Kill strategy. AND DON'T DIE.)

    38. Killing Frenzy (5)
    - Kill 10 enemies without dying in a ranked free for all

    You can easily do this one with shotty snipers on the
    Valhala map. You can sit and wait at the fort but you'll
    easily be notcied sooner or later so try going behind
    pelican with a buddy, have him shotgun enemies that get
    too close and snipe anybody that you can see. Try to
    ditract them with a sniper on the hill in the middle. Try
    to keep well hidden because sooner or later they're
    going to head for you so move after about 4 kills or so
    to a new location keeping your buddy with you. Just
    remember to keep that head down!

    Another way to do this is to use a shotty snipers on High
    Ground and crouch in the bunker so you'll be undetected.
    Kill a few and move on around the edges. Keep a varity of
    grenades handy too. If you start to get sniped at, deploy
    the bubble and have your buddy distract them and sneak
    around the side to reach the cliff in the back and pick
    some enemies off from there (where the oversheild is) and

    "For Kill Frenzy another very good way is to do lone
    wolves oddball or king of the hill, and never go for the
    win, just kill stragglers and hide, works really well
    since everyone is focused on the goal and not the kills."
    Thanks to - Crutchshifter

    39. We're In For Some Chop (5)
    - Destroy an enemy vehicle with equipment in a ranked
    playlist or in the campaign.

    Best bet is to set a trip mine. If there's an enemy
    trying to splatter you, set it down and bye-bye he'll go.
    You may kill yourself though in the process but heeello

    "Use a trip mine in campaign on the level Tsavo Highway.
    When your in the beggining of the level there's gonna' be
    a few huts, (right before your first vehicle barrier) just
    head opposite of the barrier then turn right and check all
    the huts there should be trip mines in there. Following
    that you'll enter a place full of choppers weaken it up
    then drop a trip mine theres ue achevment."
    Thanks to - Chosen 0ne1427

    40. Lee R Wilson Memorial (5)
    - Score 5 grenade sticks in ranked free for all online.

    This means that you must collect, stick and kill enemies
    within' one match with a grenade stick (spike grenades)
    or I've been told plasma grenades work too.

    Use close-quarters maps like High Ground is especially
    good. Grab the sticks in the room near the spartan laser
    and start stickin'!

    "Guardian is a good level to do this on, since it is small
    and all the plasma grenades spawn relatively close to each
    other. Just grab em, and start hunting."
    Thanks to - Crutchshifter

    41. Steppin' Razor (5)
    - Score a Triple Kill with the energy sword in ranked free
    for all play.

    The easiest map I've found to get this is on The Pit map.
    Grab the sword in the room on the second floor all the
    way on the side, near the fence is with the vehicles on
    the other side. Grab it before anyone else since right
    when you start the level, there will most likely be some-
    one else wanting the sword as well. If you're lucky, there
    will be others there trying to pry the sword from you. You
    can also make it even easier by putting a bubble in the
    center of the room and swipe everyone that comes through
    and get your achievement with just a little luck! But be
    careful since putting a sword in your hand also puts a big
    target on your head that says, "kill me!" which makes this
    achievement a little less difficult to get, score!

    42. Mongoose Mowdown (5)
    - Kill an enemy with the Mongoose by running (splattering)
    them over in ranked free for all play.

    Easiest map to do this in is High Ground. Remember to use
    a mongoose, and not the ghost. Just keep driving around
    until you hit someone and don't stop because that makes
    you an easy target. It's more enclosed and smaller than
    other maps making it easier for you to splatter them.

    43. Up Close and Personal (5)
    - Kill five enemies by melee or assassination in ranked free
    for all play.

    Easily done since it's not hard to press the B button near
    an enemy, everyone does it. Just weaken them a bit, throw
    some grenades, run up and melee them. Great in close-
    quarters like High Ground, Narrows, Guardian and The Pit.

    "A good strategy to get this achievement easily is to be on
    the level Guardian. As quickly as you can grab the mauler
    NOT the shotgun. Take the mauler to the big lift room and
    crouch next to the center door on the upper level to stay
    out of sight. You will be able to see when people are com-
    ing in on the radar and the sound of people using the lift.
    As soon as someone is close enough use the mauler which
    should deplete their shield and immediately melee them it
    should kill them as well as maybe launch them a few hundred
    feet across the level. You should be able to get this
    achievement within the first five minutes of the game."
    Thanks to - UrbanNinjaX

    44. Fear The Pink Mist (5)
    - Kill 5 enemie with the needler in a ranked for free all or
    in campaign

    This is probably one of the first achievements you'll get.
    Just grab a needler and start shootin'! Make sure the
    crosshair is in red otherwise you're just waistin' ammo.

    45. Headshot Honcho (5)
    - Kill 10 enemies with headshots in ranked free for all play
    or in the campaign (CONFIRMED, NOT IN A ROW).

    The easiest way to do this would be to use the sniper
    rifle on The Ark since you start out with the sniper rifle
    with 24 rounds.
    Thanks to - currymania
    Or you can go on Sierra 117, Bravo Checkpoint and grab
    the sniper rifle at the pelican crash.

    Best way to do this achievement is with scoring on so you
    know you got the headshot or not so just sit back and let
    the heads roll. Also, all 10 must be executed before the
    mission ends.

    46. Used Car Salesman (5)
    - Detroy a vehicle that has three enemies in it in a ranked
    playlist or campaign.

    I suggest doing this on campaign. There seems to be a
    glitch, which is how I got it to where when you're in the
    mission Crow's Nest, when you enter the hangar. There will
    be a couple of Covenant drop ships that enter the hangar.
    I just meleed the turret in the front when it got close
    and voila achievement.

    For Multiplayer, you'd be lucky to find a warthog with 3
    guys in it but it is possible. Use a Power drain and hit
    'em with plasma grenades and rockets before they escape!
    Oh the poor souls. haha-

    48. MVP (5)
    - Earn the MVP in a ranked playlist.

    Basically, this achievement just wants you to get at the
    top of the score (kills) list. You must win the match too
    otherwise you won't get it. At least, for me it didn't.

    49. Maybe Next Time Buddy (5)
    - After being boarded in free for all online play, board the
    same vehicle again within 10 seconds.

    You can do this easily in a rumble pit (social slayer) with
    a friend. Just wait until you get a vehicle map and just
    have them board you, then board them. Simple as that.

    There's really no easy way to get this, but you can prevoke
    it. Just get a ghost in High Ground or Last Resort and
    drive around some enemies, shooting them, but not killing
    them. Get close enough to where they would want to hijack
    it. Let them, then reclaim what's rightfully yours right
    after they take it. You can kill them also, but make sure
    you don't destroy the vehicle as well.

    "As you're being hijacked boost the ghost into a corner. It
    makes it harder to the highjacker to get away and you can
    reclaim the vehicle with less trouble."

    DLC Achievements
    Flag Dropped – This is done on Legendary, get two flag carrier kills in a social match or ranked match. It gives 25 gamerscore points.
    Road Rage – On Legendary, get 5 chaingun kills in a warthog during a social match or ranked match. It gives 25 gamerscore points.
    Look Both Ways – On Legendary, get a splatter spree in a social match or ranked match. Gives 50 gamerscore points.
    Hammer Time – Gives 25 gamerscore points, you get 5 hammer kills in Assembly in a ranked or social match.
    Pull – Gives 25 gamerscore points, you get a shotgun spree in Citadel on a ranked or social match.
    Blades of Fury – Gives 25 gamerscore points, get a sword spree in Heretic on social or ranked match.
    Ghost Patrol – Gives 25 gamerscore points, three kills with a ghost on Longshore on a ranked or social match will achieve this.
    Post Mortem – Get two death from the grave medals in Orbital in any ranked or social match. Gives 25 gamerscore points.
    …Get The Horns – Gives 25 gamerscore points, you need to get a bulltrue medal on a mythic map in a ranked or social match.
    Aww too Bad – Gives 25 gamerscore points, you need to get a killjoy medal on a mythic map in a ranked or social match.
    Killtacular – Gives 25 gamerscore points, you need to get a killtacular on a mythic map in a ranked or social match.
    Have Fun Respawning – Gives 25 gamerscore points, you need an extermination on a mythic map during a social match or ranked match.
    Save this Film – Gives 25 gamerscore points, you need a perfection medal on a mythic map during a social match or ranked match.
    Delicious Brains – Gives 25 gamerscore points, you need to infect two humans on a mythic map during a social match or ranked match.
    Zombie Repeller – Gives 25 gamerscore points, you need to kill two zombies on a mythic map during a social match or ranked match.
    Tank Dropper – On a mythic map, get a kill on another player in monitor mode and get 25 gamerscore points and this title.

    Vidmaster Challenge: Brainpan – Find the hidden skulls , all of them, on the Mythic map. Gives 25 gamerscore points.

    Vidmaster Challenge: Lightswitch – Get to Lieutenant in a playlist in EXP progression.

    Vidmaster Challenge: 7 on 7 – Get into a ranked or social playlist with 7 EXP on 7 of month
    Vidmaster Challenge: Annual – Complete Halo on 4player legendary live co op with iron and everyone in ghosts.

    Gears of War 2 Achievements i'll help with.
    Green as Grass Train the rook (any difficulty) {10}

    • At the start of the game, you will meet Benjamin Carmine for the first time.
      You will be given the option to train him. If you choose to do so, you will
      be rewarded this achievement at the end of his training.
    It’s a Trap! : Story progression in Act 1, Chapter 2 {10}

    Escort Service : Story progression in Act 1, Chapter 4 {10}

    Girl About Town : Story progression in Act 1, Chapter 6 {10}

    That Sinking Feeling : Story progression in Act 2, Chapter 4 {10}

    Freebaird! : Story progression in Act 2, Chapter 5 {10}

    Heartbroken : Story progression in Act 2, Chapter 6 {10}

    Longitude and Attitude : Story progression in Act 3, Chapter 3 {10}

    Tanks for the Memories : Story progression in Act 3, Chapter 4 {10}

    • This can be a bit frustrating on harder difficulties. Remember to kill the
      enemies as soon as you see them from afar and use your boost. When you have
      to shoot down the tower, stay at the slope and shoot the Boomers and Troikas
      down at the bottom. Kill the drones that are walking up the slope, and slowly
      make your way down until Baird says “Dom, shoot the tower!” At this point,
      stay where you are and shoot the tower. Enemies will shoot from the windows,
      so take care of them as well. Don’t just boost your way in, or you’ll probably
    • At the area where you jump down and your Centuar runs out of power, as soon as
      the power goes back on, shoot the right Corpser, the middle, then the left one.
    Water Sports : Story progression in Act 3, Chapter 6 {10}

    • Dodge the tentacles and chainsaw them. When the fish thingy bites the boat,
      shoot its eye and go inside its mouth afterward. Shoot the blue tentacles in
      its mouth and throw a grenade in the 2nd mouth.
    There’s a Time for Us : Story progression in Act 4, Chapter 2 {10}

    Better Wrapped in Beacon : Story progression in Act 4, Chapter 3 {10}

    Have Fun Storming the Castle : Story progression in Act 4, Chapter 6 {10}

    • Beat Skorge in the chainsaw duel and take cover afterward. He will shoot at
      you and throw ink grenades or throw explodable torches. Run from each of these.
      When he starts sawing down the columns, wait for him to finish. When the column
      is about to hit you, dodge it. Rinse & repeat.
    And the Horse You Rode in On : Story progression in Act 5, Chapter 1 {10}

    • Remember to dodge the missiles that Skorge fires at you.
    You Are the Support, Son : Story progression in Act 5, Chapter 2 {10}

    Brumak Rodeo : Story progression in Act 5, Chapter 4 {10}

    Does This Look Infected to You? : Story progression in Act 5, Chapter 5 {10}

    • Some people think this might be easy, but keep firing your Hammer of Dawn.
      If you stop firing, you will get hit.
    Tourist of Duty : Complete all campaign acts on Casual Difficulty {25}

    Guerilla Tactician : Complete all campaign acts on Normal Difficulty {50}

    Artist of War :Complete all campaign acts on Hardcore Difficulty {75}

    Suicide Missionary : Complete all campaign acts on Insane Difficulty {150}

    • You might need a co-op partner on Casual or Normal, as some parts are rather
      frustrating. Other than that, use cover more often.
    Collector : Recover 5 collectibles (any difficulty) {5}

    Pack Rat : Recover 20 collectibles (any difficulty) {15}

    Completionist : Recover all 41 collectibles (any difficulty) {30}

    One-Night Stand : Complete 1 chapter in co-op on any difficulty (Marcus or Dom) {10}

    • Get a partner and play split-screen or join a co-op game online.
    Open Relationship : Complete 10 chapters in co-op on any difficulty (Marcus or Dom) {30}

    • Get a partner and play split-screen or join a co-op game online.
    Friends with Benefits : Complete all acts in co-op on any difficulty (Marcus or Dom) {50}

    • Get a partner and play split-screen or join a co-op game online.
    Once More, With Feeling : Perform 30 perfect active reloads (any mode) {10}

    • This can easily be done early on in the game. With your Snub Pistol, fire one
      shot at a time and reload after every shot. Get the timing correct each time.
    Takes a Licking : Melee 30 Tickers (any mode) {30}

    • You can do this on either Horde or in Campaign during the chapter,
      “Roadblocks.” Just melee every Ticker you see, but do it when they’re on fire.
      Don’t melee them if they’re sitting still, or they will blow up on you.
    Organ Grinder : Kill 30 enemies with a cover mounted Mulcher (any mode) {10}

    • This can easily be done in Horde. After killing a Grinder, pick up his
      Mulcher and fire away. I recommend you do this on Casual or Normal
    Shock and Awe : Kill 30 enemies with the heavy Mortar (any mode) {10}

    • This can easily be done in Horde on River. Go to the bridge and you will
      find a Mortar lying there. Wait for the enemies to come out, and fire
      the Mortar when they’re bunched together. A new morta respawns at the
      bridge after every wave. I recommend you do this on Casual or Normal
    Said the Spider to the Fly : Kill 10 enemies with a planted grenade (any mode) {10}

    • This one is pretty easy. On multiplayer matches, set up frag or ink grenades
      on a wall. Next, lure an enemy and lure him to where your trap is. If the
      trap is an ink grenade, you may need to damage your enemy first.
    Crowd Control : Melee 10 enemies down with the Boomshield equipped (anymode) {10}

    • The easiest way to do this is to play a match of Horde. When a Mauler drops
      his shield, pick it up and melee any enemies who come close to you. I
      recommend you do this on Casual or Normal difficulty.
    Smells Like Victory : Kill 30 enemies with the Scorcher Flamethrower (any mode) {10}

    • This can easily be done during Horde mode. After killing a Flamer or Flame
      Boomer, pick up his Scorcher and kill any enemies who come near you. I
      recommend you do this on Casual or Normal difficulty.
    Variety Is the Spice of Death : Kill an enemy with every weapon in the game (any mode) {30}

    • If you play through the Campaign mode, you will eventually use all 15
      handheld weapons. Killing people with Smoke Grenade, Ink Grenade, and
      Boomshield are not required to get the achievement.
    Seriously 2.0 : Kill 100,000 enemies (any mode) {50}

    • You can score at least 250 kills in “Act 5: Chapter 5: Closure” while
      riding the Brumak. Repeat this, but I wouldn’t recommend it, since
      this would be rather tedious. Instead, try different game modes and
      experiment. Play with friends in multiplayer. You will rack up the
      kills and have a pretty fun time.
    Standing Here, Beside Myself : Win 3 matches of Wingman (public) {10}

    • Pretty self-explanatory. Get a partner and play some Wingman matches.
      If you’re having trouble winning, try to get others to to help you
      team up on other teams. Afterwards, go backstab them! An Xbox Live
      Gold Account is required.
    Beat the Meatflag : Capture 10 meatflags in Submission (public) {10}

    • Here, you have to capture 10 meatflags and bring them back to your
      target area. Here, you actually need to depend on teamwork, because
      you probably won’t be able to make it to your target area without being
      attacked. Also, try to face away from the fire, so your Meatflag won’t
      fall out of your hands. An Xbox Live Gold Account is required.
    It’s Good to be the King : Win 10 rounds of Guardian as the leader (public) {10}

    • As the leader of the team, you should stay back and only fight back if your
      squad is in trouble. Try to keep concealed, enemy compasses won’t help much
      if they don’t know exactly where you’re at in the area. An Xbox Live Gold
      Account is required.
    You Go Ahead, I’ll Be Fine : Win three matches of King of the Hill (public) {10}

    • Remember to use your smoke grenades, they will help you a lot when playing
      King of the Hill and Annex if you’re trying to capture an objective. Also
      remember to stick together, if you’re squad is close, enemies will have a
      hard time keeping you away/breaking through your defense. An Xbox Live Gold
      Account is required.
    Back to Basic : Successfully complete the 5 lessons of multiplayer Training Grounds {10}

    • Simple. Go to the Training Grounds on the Main Menu and complete all the
    Party Like It’s 1999 : Play 1999 rounds of multiplayer (any mode) {30}

    • You can make 1 round matches and play bots on casual, but that gets pretty
      boring, so I suggest working your way up on this slowly and playing with
      other people instead.
    • This next suggestion is one that can be used if you’re desperate for 1999,

      Game Type: Warzone
      Total Rounds: 15
      Round Time Limit: 1 Minute
      Number of Bots: 9
      Bot Difficulty: Casual
      Bleed Out Time: 60 Seconds
      And make the rest just stay at the default. Start up the game and let them
      fight, it will always end in a Stalemate, so it will go on forever which
      means you can do anything else in the meanwhile; watch TV, eat, sleep
      or anything else. It will pause the game if your controller is off,

      so make sure it’s plugged into a plug and play charge kit or something to stop it from well, stopping.
    • From the start of one round to the next takes around 77 seconds.

      77 Seconds x 1999 = 153923 Seconds.
      153923 Seconds = 2565.383 Minutes.

      2565.383 Minutes = 42.756 Hours (1.78 Days).

    Around the World, Again : Win a multiplayer match on each map (any mode) {30}

    • You can host Private Matches with bots or friends on Warzone or Execution to
      get this. Rounds should last at least 3 minutes and to make things quick,
      make each match last one or two rounds.
    Dirty, Dirty Horde : Survive the first 10 waves of Horde (any difficulty,any map) {20}

    • You can do this by yourself or with a few friends. Just survive the first
      10 waves. I recommend you do this on Casual or Normal difficulty.
    Hoard the Horde : Survive all 50 waves of Horde (any difficulty, any map) {30}

    • You can do this by yourself, but I strongly suggest you do this with a full
      party on Casual or Normal difficulty. The easiest map to do this in is
      Security. All you have to do is get one person to deactivate the security
      system and have the rest of their squad go into the secured location. Once
      in there, you can deactivate the security systems if you wish to leave your
      secured location. Always have at least one person stay behind the security
      system if you wish to leave to get ammo or get the last kill. Also, take the
      Moomshields that Maulers drop and face them BACKWARDS at the security laser
      system. If faced backwards, enemies won’t be able to kick them down, and you
      will prevent enemies from entering your stronghold. You will also gain the
      Dirty, Dirty Horde achievement while doing this.
    Crossed Swords : Win 10 chainsaw duels (any mode) {10}

    • This one might be a bit harder to do if you can’t find an enemy with a Lancer.
      When you do in fact find one, activate your chainsaw and attack him, and he
      should retaliate with his. Or you can play a few Private matches with friends
      for chainsaw duels. Remember, you don’t need to have both of your Lancer’s
      revved up, you just need to have one of you chainsaw the other while both of
      you are facing each other.
    A Parting Gift : Kill 10 enemies with a grenade while down but not out (any mode) {20}

    • For this achievement, if you are downed with frags equipped, you can press RT
      while an enemy is near you to detonate it. This should kill you and the
    Pound of Flesh : Use a meatshield to save your life 10 times (any mode) {10}

    • This one is pretty easy if you have some frags. Down an enemy and tag him
      with the frag. Pick him up as a meatshield before the frag goes of. The frag
      will blow up, but you will be completely unharmed.
    Photojournalist : Submit a spectator photo {10}

    • As easy as it gets. During any multiplayer match, just press X while you’re
      in spectator mode. Go to Main Menu and go to War Journal. From there, go
      down to Spectator Photos and submit a photo.
    Kick ‘Em When They’re Down : Perform all 11 unique executions on a downed enemy {10}

    • Pick up a downed player + X (Snaps their neck)
      Curbstomp = X (Traditional Curbstomp)
      Hold a non-execution weapon(like the shotgun) + Y (The 3 Punch Combo)
      Shotgun + B (Swing your shotgun like a golf club)
      Boltok Revolver + Y (A more refined version of the pistolwhip)
      Boomshield + Y (Smash the Boomshield on your enemy)
      Longshot Sniper Rifle + B (Whack the enemy with your sniper)
      Longshot Sniper Rifle + Y (Use your sniper like a sledgehammer)
      Torque Bow + B (Whack the enemy with your bow)
      Torque Bow + Y (Cut the enemy’s head off with the bow)
      Lancer + B(Don’t hold it, just tap it. If you hold it, you’ll use chainsaw)
      (All this does is whack the enemy with your Lancer)
    Annex: Now With Execution Rules : Win an Annex match on each Flashback and Combustible Map Pack map (public matches only) {75}

    • This one is pretty simple, just play a one round match of Annex with up to
      100 points for every Flashback/Combustible map. An Xbox Live Gold Account
      and the Flashback or Combustible Map pack are required(either one works.) You
      can buy the Combustible Map Pack for 800 Microsoft Points on the Xbox Live
      Marketplace. You can buy the Flashback Map Pack for 400 Microsoft Points, or
      you might have gotten a redeem code card on a brand new copy Gears of War 2.
    Bound by a Shared Past : Win a Wingman match on each of the 5 Flashback Map Pack maps {15}

    • This one is pretty simple, just play a one round match of Wingman that lasts
      3-5 minutes for every Flashback Map. The Flashback Map pack is required. You
      can buy the Flashback Map Pack for 400 Microsoft Points on the Xbox Live
      Marketplace, or you might have gotten a redeem code card on a brand new copy
      Gears of War 2.
    Forged in the Fire : Win a Wingman match on each of the 3 Combustible Map Pack maps {15}

    • Same as above, just with the Combustible maps. The Combustible Map pack is
      required. You can buy the Combustible Map Pack for 800 Microsoft Points on the
      Xbox Live Marketplace.
    More Mystery, Less History : Win a multiplayer match on each of the 5 Flashback Map Pack maps (any mode except Wingman) {15}

    • As simple as it gets. Same as above, just make sure you do it in a different
      mode. The Flashback Map pack is required. You can buy the Flashback Map Pack
      for 400 Microsoft Points on the Xbox Live Marketplace, or you might have gotten
      a redeem code card on a brand new copy Gears of War 2.
    Skeletons in your Closet : Complete waves 1 through 10 on all Flashback Map Pack maps in Horde (any difficulty) {20}

    • This should be easy as well. Just play waves 1-10 on the Flashback maps. If
      you’re new to the game and haven’t gotten the “Dirty, Dirty Horde” achievement
      yet, you can get it while attempting to get this achievement as well. The
      Flashback Map pack is required. You can buy the Flashback Map Pack for 400
      Microsoft Points on the Xbox Live Marketplace, or you might have gotten a redeem
      code card on a brand new copy Gears of War 2.
    The Roof! The Roof! The Roof… : Win a multiplayer match on each of the 3 Combustible Map Pack maps (any mode except Wingman) {15}

    • Same as “More Mystery, Less History” achievement, just make sure you do this
      on the Combustible maps. The Combustible Map pack is required. You can buy
      the Combustible Map Pack for 800 Microsoft Points on the Xbox Live Marketplace.
    Trial by, and on, Fire : Survive first 10 Horde waves on Combustible Map Pack maps as a team {20}

    • Almost exactly the same as the “Skeletons in your Closet” achievement, but you
      need to be in a team and the maps must be Combustible maps. If you’re new to
      the game and haven’t gotten the “Dirty, Dirty Horde” achievement yet, you can
      get it while attempting to get this achievement as well. The Combustible Map
      pack is required. You can buy the Combustible Map Pack for 800 Microsoft Points
      on the Xbox Live Marketplace.
    Rookie Gear : Earn enough multiplayer experience to reach level 5 (Public only) {10}

    • This can be easily done. Just play several multiplayer matches and gain enough
      experience to rank up. An Xbox Live Gold Account is required.
    Seasoned Gear : Earn enough multiplayer experience to reach level 15 (Public only) {20}

    • This is the same as getting Rookie Gear, but it might take a bit longer. Play
      enough multiplayer matches to gain enough experience. An Xbox Live Gold
      Account is required.
    Battle-Tested Gear : Earn enough multiplayer experience to reach level 25 (Public only) {50}

    • Same routine. Get enough experience to reach this rank. An Xbox Live Gold
      Account is required.
    Battle-Hardened Gear : Reach level 50 and play a match on each of the 4 Snowblind Map Pack maps (Public only) {50}

    • The same old gain experience routine, however, having played every Snowblind
      map is required. An Xbox Live Gold Account and the Snowblind Map pack are
      required. You can buy the Snowblind Map Pack for 800 Microsoft Points on the
      Xbox Live Marketplace.
    Veteran Gear : Reach level 100 and win a match on each of the 4 Snowblind Map Pack maps (Public only) {75}

    • Level 100 is the level cap for multiplayer. I’m not sure if anyone got this
      far in a legitimate fashion. Some people glitch this or start a Guardian
      match and boost for experience and kills. I wouldn’t suggest this though.
      An Xbox Live Gold Account and the Snowblind Map pack are required. You can
      buy the Snowblind Map Pack for 800 Microsoft Points on theXbox Live
    Never Eat Red Snow : Complete waves 1 through 10 on all Snowblind Map Pack maps in Horde (any difficulty) {20}

    • Ah, another Horde achievement. I personally prefer Fuel Depot for an easy
      1-50 Horde. Get your team and stay inside the middle building, the hangar,
      or near the Raven. But you have three other maps, so it’s all personal
      preference. The Snowblind Map pack is required. You can buy the Snowblind
      Map Pack for 800 Microsoft Points on theXbox Live Marketplace.
    Icy Dead People : Complete waves 1 through 50 on any Snowblind Map Pack map in Horde (any difficulty) {25}

    • This is basically Hoard the Horde, but in a Snowblind map. You shouldn’t
      have trouble with this once you get through the first 20 rounds. The
      Snowblind Map pack is required. You can buy the Snowblind Map Pack for
      800 Microsoft Points on theXbox Live Marketplace.
    Frigid Body Dynamics : Play a multiplayer match on each of the 4 Snowblind Map Pack maps (any mode) {5}

    • This can be easily done by on your own while playing with bots. Play a
      match in all four of these maps. The Snowblind Map pack is required.
      You can buy the Snowblind Map Pack for 800 Microsoft Points on the Xbox Live
    The Weather Outside Is Lethal : Win a multiplayer match on each of the 4 Snowblind Map Pack maps (any mode) {15}

    • This is basically the same as Frigid Body Dynamics. Just play a match on
      all 4 of the Snowblind maps, just make sure you win. Make the bots on
      casual for some easy achievement points, but then again, why are you
      playing just for the points? The Snowblind Map pack is required. You can
      buy the Snowblind Map Pack for 800 Microsoft Points on the Xbox Live
    Halo Wars Achievements i'll help with:
    1. Adjudicate the Arbiter - 30 - Complete the Campaign on Heroic Difficulty
    2. Detour the Great Journey - 50 - Complete the Campaign on Legendary Difficulty
    3. Momma's Boy - 5 - Get a Gold Medal on any mission
    4. Crushed Colors - 10 - Improve your Score in any Campaign Mission
    5. Mr. Punctual - 15 - Finish all missions under Par Time on Heroic difficulty
    6. Own Worst Enemy - 20 - Get a Gold Medal with all Debuff Skulls Active
    7. Wall of Recognition - 30 - Get a Gold Medal on every Campaign Mission
    8. Epic Grinder - 40 - Obtain a Lifetime Campaign Score over 1,000,000
    9. Everything's Better with Bacon - 5 - Mission 1: Ram 50 Grunts with Warthogs
    10. Endless Fun - 5 - Mission 2: Destroy every Methane Tank
    11. Covenant "Hot Drop" - 5 - Mission 3: Kill at least 5 Covenant Units with the Bridge
    12. The Real Winner - 5 - Mission 4: Save Adam
    13. He's Got The Jack - 5 - Mission 5: Jack 6 Covenant Vehicles
    14. Rhino Hugger - 5 - Mission 6: Successfully protect every Rhino
    15. Micro Manager - 5 - Mission 7: Do not destroy any Power Node
    16. Ramblin' Man - 5 - Mission 8: Use Elephants to train 100 Infantry
    17. Sweet Naptime - 5 - Mission 9: Put every Colony in Hibernation Mode at the same time
    18. The Procrastinator - 5 - Mission 10: Disrupt all Tractor Beams
    19. Battened Down the Hatches - 5 - Mission 11: Save all the Airlocks
    20. Handy with Tools - 5 - Mission 12: Repair the Power Core in less than 4 minutes
    21. Beaming with Pride - 5 - Mission 13: Destroy 25 units with the Scarab
    22. Didn't Get To Second Base - 5 - Mission 14: Don't claim an extra base
    23. Thinkin' about My Doorbell - 5 - Mission 15: Open the Doors in order
    24. Backscratcher - 10 - Complete any Campaign Mission in Co-op Mode
    25. OMG BFF FTW - 40 - Complete entire Campaign in Co-op Mode
    26. Playin' the Field - 15 - Win a Skirmish Game with every Leader
    27. Gallivant around the Galaxy - 25 - Win a game on every Skirmish Map
    28. Empire Builder - 5 - Win a game in every Skirmish Game Mode
    29. Titan - 15 - Get 20,000 points in any Skirmish Game
    30. Big Al's Scooter - 10 - Win a Heroic Skirmish Game against the AI in under 10 minutes
    31. My Virtual Friends Love Me - 10 - Win a 3v3 Skirmish game with 2 AI Allies
    32. Walk-Off Winner - 30 - Use one of the 6 Major Leader Powers to destroy an enemy's last unit
    33. 2 Bugs are Better Than 1 - 10 - Win a Skirmish Game with Dual Scarabs
    34. Penny Pincher - 10 - Get a winning High Score with 10 or less Squads against the Heroic AI
    35. N00b n0 M0r3 - 10 - Win a Matchmade Skirmish Game on Xbox LIVE
    36. So Lonely at the Top - 20 - Win and have the Highest Score in a Matchmade Skirmish Game on Xbox LIVE
    37. Basically Naive - 10 - Obtain the Recruit Rank on Xbox LIVE
    38. Officer on Deck - 30 - Obtain the Lieutenant Rank on Xbox LIVE
    39. Running the Show - 50 - Obtain the General Rank on Xbox LIVE
    40. Alas, Poor Andrew Thomas - 5 - Collect your first Skull
    41. Graverobber - 30 - Collect all Skulls
    42. Halo Academic - 15 - Unlock 20 Timeline Events
    43. Halo Historian - 40 - Unlock All Timeline Events
    44. Ready for the Sequel - 75 - 100% Completion
    45. 24 Hours of Quality - 20 - Play Halo Wars for at least 24 Total Hours
    46. Meet Sergeant Forge - 10 - Completed Mission 1 on any difficulty
    47. Ice Warriors - 40 - Completed Act I on any difficulty
    48. Key to Pirth - 50 - Completed Act II on any difficulty
    49. Ugly is only Skin Deep - 70 - Completed Act III on any difficulty
    50. No Way Home? - 70 - Completed Act IV on any difficulty
    Please tell me if i missed any halo 3 achievements.

    I will put other game achievements up soon.
    #1 Orbiter891, Aug 18, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2009
  2. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    That's pretty nice of you, but is it just for halo? Or other games as well? Because I need help finishing Halo Wars legendary campaign, I just need 2 more levels.
  3. Orbiter891

    Orbiter891 Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    I'll help with any game that i have that anyone else also has.
  4. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:

    Killtacular and perfection sometime maybe?
  5. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    This should belong in the Gaming Discussion board if it involves help with other game achievements.

    Also, you should post some achievements that you've completed and are willing to help others with, such as Vidmaster Annual, and put up your gamertag, and what time you are available and such. I need help with Annual, most importantly, but my subscription ran out so I'm stuck in a rut >.<
  6. Orbiter891

    Orbiter891 Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Yeah i'll help you get those sometime.

    Okay i'll also put it in gaming discussion and i'll help with any achievement of any game that i have. Just say when and i'll help get the annual.
  7. AlexIsCoool

    AlexIsCoool Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    For the 2 for 1 achievement you just have to kill a warthog.
  8. Orbiter891

    Orbiter891 Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    It's in Lone wolves........ there are no warthogs....
  9. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    I have all the available achievements except Overkill if anyone needs help.
  10. Orbiter891

    Orbiter891 Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Alright i can try to help you.

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