New Expansion Just announced by Blizzard YouTube - World of Warcraft Cataclysm Trailer **BLIZZCON 09 NEW** **Official Trailer**
Well, this looks like something that can finally bring me to alliance. Those worgen look like the ****! I hope that worgen can be paladins and warlocks, and how does that thing they said work? Races can use different classes? Does that mean that shaman won't be just horde and draenai exclusive and same for paladin? Sorry I've got a lot of questions, this looks pretty badass.
New level cap = Meh, don't wanna level more. Guild leveling = awesome Resuracing Azeroth = unceartain, graphic update maybe? Worgen = Awesome Goblin = LOL I wonder what this "Path of the titans" thing is. And I hope the lore doesn't get too screwed up. I'm pretty content with WotLK, but I guess I'm pretty curious for this expansion.
It means that now Humans can be hunters and Orcs can be paladins. Neither of those are confirmed changes, but that's what they're talking about. Resurfacing Azeroth just means that already existing environments will be different and destroyed, they'll have changed terrains. I'm pretty sure they are using the same graphics engine.
The list of the new class/race combos. The new combos have a yellow glow. As far as the changed to Azeroth and Eastern Kingdoms, it's been stated that regardless of whether or not you have the expansion, you will see these changes. They'll be using the phasing system to change layouts and things based on the players actions. As for the lore being "destroyed" or messed up, lore doesn't change, it evolves. The Worgen will be former humans that still have their humanity and Goblins have been driven away from their homelands and the horde takes them in, rekindling old alliances. As for the Path of the Titans, not much is known other than it'll be tied into the new Archeology profession. Any other questions? I've been following it very closely. And yes, I'm very excited for this.
An undead hunter and a dwarf shaman sounds kinda stupid to me, but besides that it seems like a change for the better. Except I HATE how they're getting rid of stats like AP and SP. Way to baby down the game.
You'd think you would enter some sort of portal to reach this torn apart Azeroth, right? I don't wanna have to level up a character to 60 in some messed up wasteland... By the way, I didn't have any sound on when I was watching it. Is it really an expansion, or an update? Because 85 isn't normal... Why not the full 90?
This is really an expansion. Blizzard just wants to fit in more expansions before they reach the almighty 100 level cap and they also want more time to work on the expansion bringing it to the 100 level cap.
I like the game but only till level 30 than its broing as crap till like level 45... But this does look pretty BA
The thing is, you WANT to level it. They're redoing all the quests. They're re-doing the entire level flow. Each zone is reworked to only last 5 levels, getting ready the long slogges of the like of Stranglethorn Vale and the Barrens. Some places will be destoryed, others, like Desolace, will have new life. I also had the same question about the 5 levels. It's out of character but as Shatakai, they want more expansion before 100. And yes, it is an expansion.
Guys go check the Universal WoW thread at the top. I posted an article that shows specific terrain changes and talks alot about the starting zones for Goblins and Worgen.