Create an idea for a new grenade.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Blaze, Jul 3, 2008.

  1. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    Laxative gas grenades.
    Need I say anything more?
  2. Orbiter891

    Orbiter891 Ancient
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    HAHAHA Laxative gas Grenades? how would that kill anyone? or anything?
  3. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Duh. For teh luls.

    EMP grenade? Does what a sticky grenade does, but when you stick someone or a vehicle with it, their shields will be rendered completely useless forever until destroyed or the vehicle will no longer do anything(except maybe turret). It's like a power drain pretty much, but the effect lasts until death.
  4. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    I think they'd be distracted enough to get an easy kill. It's more of an assist item. Also, maybe it would clog up the oxygen input places on the armour and they'd suffocate. I think these would be incredibly helpful.
  5. TehRandomBoi

    TehRandomBoi Ancient
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    That's a good idea. But at their death, will the grenade blow up or would it stay and stick to anything that touches it?
  6. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Grenade: Hydrogen Capsule
    Contains excessive amounts of liquid hydrogen, when activated upon contact with a surface canister explodes freezing anything or any one within a 3 ft radius of it.
    MM: yes, it would be a counter to the fire bomb, have the same re spawn and only kill you if you are directly hit with it and hurt if you were near by when it exploded.

    As for the bouncy stickies, reminds me of an h2 midship mod haha i miss h2.

    I think he means that the effects of the grenade will last until they die, meaning if your a player your shield never re gens, and if you were in a vehicle the vehicle can't move until its blown up and re spawns.
  7. Orbiter891

    Orbiter891 Ancient
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    i have to agree with the arguement ThatRandomBoi has presented what will happen to it after the player dies?
  8. Prima

    Prima Ancient
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    Name: Bouncy Stick.
    Description: Looks exactly like a plasma grenade.
    Effect: Can bounce, doesn't stick on the ground.
    Capaign: Yes.
    Multiplayer: Yes.
    Pros: Improved Plasma Grenade.
    Cons: None.
  9. Orbiter891

    Orbiter891 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Dude every grenade has a con non-matter what it does
  10. oscarstrok

    oscarstrok Ancient
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    IDEA: HAXX grenades for employes :D
  11. Scottash

    Scottash Ancient
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    Name: Tracking Grenade
    Description: Similar to the Incendiary Grenade (Firebomb) in appearance, but slightly larger and with a blue middle section instead of red/orange. Magnetic, so can be lain on the ground and attatch itself to bottom of vehicle. Also slightly attracted to Spartan + Elite armour.
    Effect: Puts a red waypoint above whatever person/ vehicle it is stuck to. Usefull if you've found the other team's MVP who is dominating or someone who has a power weapon (such as a shotgun) and is lurking round the corner. Also usefull if stuck to tank, banshee or other vehicle for co-ordinating a multiple-sided attack for taking it out.
  12. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Flood Pod: Its not really a grendade, its more of a projectile. Its pretty much a flood egg. You throw it at someone and the flood spreads on someone until it devours them. This is effective because they cannot do anything while being eaten. It is like one long spawn time.

    Hitting the ground does almost nothing except makes a mess on the floor... Unless someone steps in it and then they would be injured slowly....

    Note: Tracker grenade has been said about 10 times. It is not a new idea- I thought of it thinking that I was original for the idea- I noticed 5 people stated the same thing before me after I posted it....
    #112 Loscocco, Aug 24, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2009
  13. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Betties (aka mini land mine)

    Basically as the name says, a hand held trip mine that won't destroy vehicle except a mongoose but is smaller and harder to see so enemies will step on it easier. Allies have a nav point that shows up so they don't step on it. The color would be camo, making it seem like its part of the ground. It would have a small orange glow to help enimies spot it.

    It can also be planted like a satchel charge onto a mongoose or person to be used as suicide bomber.

    It's only con's are that it's limits are to people and a mongoose, a warthog or tank will take damage but not be destroyed, oh yea a ghost can als be destryoed.
  14. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    Annoying grenade.

    When caught within blast radius (3 feet?) one of the campaign cuts (cortana or gravemind speaks and slows you the **** down) happens to victim, and is stunned.

    It's generally there to irritate the **** out of people.
  15. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    the microsoft word paperclip grenade! you throw it like a pokeball and out pops the mw paperclip to distact you enemies and offer them annoying advice!
  16. The Moran

    The Moran Ancient
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    Name: friendly fire [nade]
    Description: White nade with thin red cross over it (like hospital signs)
    Effect: max ammo, instant health regen. It'll effect the nearest person on your side (includes you, but if someone had rockets you should throw near them)
    multiplayer: Yes
    campaign: Yes, but not much

    Pro: team mate (or you) gets ammo/health back
    Con: doesnt acctuly DO damage
    #116 The Moran, Aug 27, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2009
  17. slowpoke152

    slowpoke152 Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    NAME: Disruptor grenade
    APPEARANCE: Tube shaped, pin sticking out side near top, silver, small windows on side showing green gas
    EFFECT: Releases gas, causing blurred vision, staggering (you look like you're drunk), loss of movement control, you might fall over until it wears off,
    EFFECT PART 2: Gas explodes, causing some damage to people in the gas cloud, creating large bang that causes a ringing sound, and a flash of light causing temporary flare-like symptoms
    EFFECT PART 3: Wears off once gas explodes, only effects those in small area in cloud,
    MEDAL: Silver canister surrounded with green gas on a red circle background
    CAMPAIGN: Unlikely, gas has no effect on grunts due to mask, explosion hurts anything, gas effects hunters, very rare,
    MATCHMAKING: Rare, only team objective gametypes,
    PROS: Stuns enemy for 10 seconds, minor damage, flash-bang effect, disrupts vision both in and through cloud,
    CONS: Effects teammates and even you, disrupts your (and teammates) line of sight, enemies falling may make people think they're dead, falling makes them harder to shoot,
  18. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    Name: Bouncer
    Description: Looks like a tumorous frag grenade.
    Effect: When thrown and detonated it releases a mass of smaller grenades which fly in all directions, soon after they all explode. The grenades will also explode on contact with anything (except the map geometry).
    Pros: More effective than a shotgun with a regenerator inside a bubble shield at close range.
    Cons: It has an effect radius of much further than you can throw. So aim around the corner so you don't p4wn yourself.
  19. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
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    Name: Genetic Augmentation Grenade (GAG)

    Somewhat like a firebomb, but with an opaque central chamber and a handle.


    >When thrown, this grenade would explode on impact with anything.
    >If the contact was with geometry / vehicles etc, it would create a small field, similar to a power drainer. This field would insantly deplete all sheilds within its radius, but also strengthen the affected players with a 200% attack boost when inside it.
    >If the grenade stuck to a player, they would be the sole affected player, giving them 200% damage boost and improved speed, but at the cost of their sheilds.
    >Each of these fields would last around 20 seconds, to allow the gameplay changes to take full effect, before fading away (not like the Power Drainer's explosion)

    Standing inside it makes you far stronger, allowing potential 3-shot kills with a pistol / DMR. Can be used to quickly remove all enemies in an area by taking their sheilds and improving your attack at the same time.

    The effect works both ways. Standing in an effect field makes you a sitting duck to people outside your L.O.S, and other players could easily rush the area, and kill you with 1 bullet.
  20. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    Maybe a Recon grenade. It's not so much a grenade, just a small sphere you throw somewhere, and upon ground impact, activates into a small camera so you can see what's going on it that area. Great for throwing around corners or into open windows of enemy bases!

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