A few weeks back I got a message on XBL saying if i wanted to be in a halo movie join a certain party, so i did and this is the result. I only have a small role in parts 2 and 3 as an elite but i'm proud it. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Update: The movie has been remastered and recorded with a capture card. Happy days!
This is what I posted on youtube: 'Really, really well done. Fantastic voice acting and camera angles. Get a capture card and this would be incredible. Congrats!' Now to watch the second one...
i must admit that the ending of part three is a bit....meh... but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't watch it. If anyone wants zune friendly versions of the the videos, I'll upload them upon request (they are in .wmv files so you can watch them normally on your PC if you want).
good news guys (and girls), it looks like Darknal (the person who made the movies) has gone all George Lucas on us and has done a remastered version of it! The links at the top now direct you to the newer versions. Enjoy!
Wow! It looks amazingly better! It looks like the old videos were from a Black-and-White television and he just upgraded it to HD!
Indeed I did do a George Lucas. There will be another movie in the distant future which will involve the same magnitude of people. As I only have 16 places and THOUSANDS of options. I am offering you the position as an extra. If you interested, let me know via youtube please. Regards Darknal