Foundry Prototype v1.6

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by CaptainSnowy, Aug 20, 2009.

  1. CaptainSnowy

    CaptainSnowy Ancient
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    I made this map when I first started forging and as you can see by the screenshots its not very good but I like it. Here are some screenshots I took earlier, sadly I had no recent games on it to give you some action shots. Been in to many custom games on sandbox.

    This is a view from where the attackers will spawn behind, there are shield doors to try and help prevent those nasty spawn killers.

    This is a general overview of the map, on the left is the fort, and on the right is a bunker like building.

    This is the front view of the main fort or building, on the right next to the gate is the fusion coil that opens the gate apon its destruction ( with about 10 seconds of delay) and even further to the right is the entrance to the bunker.

    Once you enter the fort infront of you is a Custom Powerup which will lock the gate when you either kill the Gravity Lift or it respawns, and on the left is a table with the following weapons:
    Assault Rifle - 0 clips
    Shotgun - 0 clips
    SMG - 0 clips
    Needler - 0 clips
    Splaser - no respawn

    This is the right side and the rest of the room, on the table is a Battle Riffle and Sniper with 0 clips.

    This is the room at the top of the stairs, over in the corner is another Shotgun and Battle Riffle and a Magnum on the ground.

    Here you are looking at the steps you come up to get into the second floor, on the right is an excape teleporter and the barriers are there to help give people an extra second to get upthere.

    When you enter the little entrance in the wall on the right of the entrance to the fort you will see this room which is the entrance to the bunker. You enter on the right exit on the left.

    When your looking at the doors from inside the bunker this is what you see, except now the entrance is on the left and the exit is on the right. On the left side of the picture in the bottem corner is a hallway that leads over to a small room that is once again easily defended.

    This is the room at the end of the hallway, sence this is where everyone useally makes a last stand I gave your more ammo, all of the guns are filled with ammo at an astounding 2 extra clips! With the exception of the fuel rod.

    Here is a link to the map which I finally figured out how to upload haha lets laugh at me for that. ---> : Halo 3 File Details

    I didn't change the spawners for things like the flags and bombs because I designed it for infection and was still rather new to forge at the time and was trying out the gate and door tricks hence the name.

    I'm in the middle of rebuilding all of my maps from foundry over to sandbox and I started building it in a dune but 2 things happend; 1) The roof of the second story got to anoying to build, and 2) I figured why not make it more towards what you guys want. Sence on sandbox we have much more possibilities and my skills have greatly improved I decided I'd ask for your help of what I should add. From an elevatore to a spiral staircase of anything, side I'm strapped for ideas and it would be a terrible map if I made it exactly the same as on foundry.

    Anyways tell me what you think any feedback is welcome positive of negative it all helps. As well as any ideas, remember one slight idea can make the map 10 times better.
    #1 CaptainSnowy, Aug 20, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2009
  2. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    You need to take more time in making your posts. Try striding more for grammar. As for the map. I despise armories. Look at Fat Kid for example. With an armory at hand, the fat kid gets consistently killed. As for an Idea that could make the map awesome, interlocks =D. You really should consider interlocking all the portions of the map that need it. This goes especially for the second to last picture. Once you learn how to interlock, interlock the walls into the double boxes smoothly by stacking two dumpsters on top of another for each side of the wall. Then lie the wall on top of this. You should then have a flatter walking surface than the one previous to this. Plus, it will avoid those annoying cracks.

    No, never say that in your map thread. Show Everything!

    I am so going to report this. Not even bothering to read the thread do you? Well, Hopefully a warning or a point or two can teach you a lesson.

    This is how what I was saying before should work

    Key: D =Dumpster, - =Wall, ~ =Space between

    D ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ D
    D ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ D
    #2 Gollygeeanelite, Aug 20, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2009
  3. CaptainSnowy

    CaptainSnowy Ancient
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    I can't remember but I either learned how to merge before or after that map. Either way that is a must. But assides from more merging(interlocking), do you want anything else? And yes that does sound neady to some effect but in my mind it will help me get better at forge. As for the key i'm not sure how or where that would be used, enless to make the walking smoother on the second floor, because that does look about the right size for it.

    Ya I had to hurry for the post because I had to go fill out some papers for XC for school and I didn't have much time so I figured I'd get it down and then fix it up today when I log on. As for the interlocking this was my first map asside from the map that everone does where they add like one magnum of something to that effect so I was still learning how to build. Sides I ran out of cash. I too dispise those cracks, which is why all my maps are being remade, other then the obvious reason that I didn't build it too well. The armories are there for the fact of ammo, with the exception of the laser its a BR here and there with three shotguns, and if I remember correctly all of the weapons have no extra ammo and a delayed respawn. As with anyother matters or concerns I'd be glad to answer them. Oh and the first post made by me about the map is being updated right now, I'll take more and better pictures and go through the map to see exactly how much ammo and respawn times for weapons and then update it again so its more thorough.

    Edit: The laser is there for the simple fact because it's the single hardest weapon to be used in most gametypes for the simple fact that the zombies are either insanely fast or insanely strong. So either way its most likely the most useless weapon on the entire map.

    Post Note: Uhh this is sort of sad me saying my own map is bad but the thought just hit me. I design maps that are easily defended, hence forth the big fort and long hallway to a small and seemingly unimportant room, which always turns out where the last rag-tag group of humans are hiding (yes including me) in every game I’ve played on it. But, back to the point. Since I make these forts so hard to take down without anything short of a small bloodthirsty army I add in secret passages or small holes or something to that effect to keep people on their feet, give attackers a chance, and make sure the map isn't so cheap. But for the simple fact that I have no money left on that map in foundry the Foundry version will not be remade. Instead like stated earlier incase you didn't catch me saying it before. Prototype v1.6 as well as several other maps made by me are being moved to sandbox for remaking, redesigning, repurposing, and whatever else I decide to do with it.The sandbox version will also be made for all game types.

    Post Post Note (I think??): Before anyone asks me about the name let me explain it because it is a rather different name. It is called Prototype because it was an experiment with new forge tech I learned. Such as the gate, walkthrough door, and I think this was the first map that I tried to merge. So I decided to call it that until I could Think of a name, and it stuck with it. As for the v1.6 part that’s pretty much the obvious part. No it is not version 16 its version 2 modification 6. What I do is I start at 0.0 for all maps and every major modification like an entire fort or in this case the long hallway bunker like structure that dominates the right side of the map will increase the first number by 1, so from 0.0 to 1.0. Then fro the second number its every time I change a design aspect, like taking out a wall to make a room bigger or change the layout of a building and to that effect. So Prototype v1.6 is actually Prototype version 2 with 6 modifications.
    #3 CaptainSnowy, Aug 21, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2009
  4. ONeill117

    ONeill117 Ancient
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    yeah, as youve pointed out the map does look a bit sloppy, but you sene to know what youre doing and how to forge so ill keep my eye on you cos ur snadboz maps are sure to be good

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