it was inspired by the campaign levels the covenent and halo here are the pics Hadokinchild is helping with geos el do do rado is helping with spawns and weopon placement Urban myth and powernade are helping with ideas and opinions
Pic 4. Can you walk up it? The map is looking pretty epic aesthetically, btw. Will there be snipers on the map? Because you could use the hornet to get on top of the highest structure for the red team's base. Can't wait to see it done. Oh, and since the map was inspire by halo, then for the name how about if you made it related to halo?
the forging looks great. I love the towers in the sand at either end. the middle just looks very open
The map looks very impressive, however I think there should be more ways onto the bridge structure if there isn't already. Whenever you're ready to test this. Add me and I'll be totally down to play. By the way, do you have any ideas on what you want to name it yet?
Okay I'll offer an actual name or a list of name and of course you decide Apostasy (Its a fancier word for Heresy) Divinity The Codex (In refrence to Edgeworks amazing series) Installation Seraphim Tower of Deities Yeah I can only think of names that are foreunner related for obvious reasons Great map too
Name the map Redeemer. It looks pretty badass right now, I know already that I'm going to love the blue base when its done... Just absolutely epic dude, don't mess up.
Codex is used already i think. Anyway this looks simply amazing yes like the others said the middle is a little open and there should be more ways onto the bridge but holy crap man this is cool, red base reminds me of when you enter the citadel on the arc level where you have to turn off the shield generators. As for a name how about BAMF Aesthetic map? haha jk. hmm let me think .......... Divinity is a cool name seeing as how the towers reach up to the heavens. shoot man idk but awesome map.
no u cant walk up the middle but u can walk up the dune untill u get to the third level i know me and others are trying to figure out what to do to make it feel a little less open but since the map is going to be more vehical oreanted it ok to have it a little open here and there ok i will take that into consideration,no name yet i know i made that decision long ago when i wanted to make he map and then bungie took the name thanks for the names for my map i will ask around what others think of them i will try not to mess up thanks man
The map is very impressive so far, but I would suggest you give the map a name before you post a preview for it. Just because the title of the thread wasn't as appealing, I almost thought about not checking it out... The middle might cause an issue with los though, seeing as there is a direct view from one base to the other no matter what level you are on. The hornet might be a bit overkill too, seeing as it is closer to the attackers, and once again, there isn't that much cover near the middle. I hope you've got enough objects and budget to continue it, because those bases are just like... I can't even describe them. Just don't fail when making cover... No random geomerges, no random box placement. Place some new structures that keep the flow of the map up and running like every great map should be. By the way Master, how is that wall bridge going through the middle of the map? To me it would seem as though it were very bumpy, and with only two access points, it doesn't seem like a very popular place to fight. Maybe to add more cover you could build two wall ramp structures leading up to the bridge. Nice map so far though! Edit: Don't name the map Redeemer, that map was featured already. Name it something that hasn't been used yet. Use the search bar to find out if it's been used yet, or run them by us and we'll find out!
I think the map should be called Dual Bastion. du⋅al /ˈduəl, ˈdyu-/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [doo-uhl, dyoo-] Show IPA Use dual in a Sentence –adjective 1. of, pertaining to, or noting two Main Entry: bastion Part of Speech: noun Definition: support; fortified place
this map looks like it would work well, So far,my only worry is that walking across this would be a deathtrap. On foot,the vehicles would be a great worry. But other than that this looks like it could work.
i dont believe its over kill to have a hornet because its a transporter hornet which would mean its very weak
Wow. Just wow, this is and excellent map, I really look forward to playing on it some time. the bridge is aw inspiring due to it's clean merges. My only suggestion would be to add some cover onto the bridge so you don't get owned too easily.
Sorry, I didn't know redeemer was used already... Reclaimer works too, but doesn't have the same touch. Oh well good luck naming it and finishing it up.
Actually, that was my only problem. The forging looks a little sloppy honestly. I LOVE [sub] LOVE [/sub] [sup] LOVE [/sup] the design but the forging could use some touch ups.
Looks very good aesthetically. However, I'm a bit worried about the openness, hopefully that is just something that has yet to have been addressed.
Looks very good. The beses seem to be the main things of the map. The bridge is looking quite good as well although its a bit high up and looks pretty plain. Hopefully before you post the finished version you will do something to spice up the bridge.
Looking good so far, I'm loving the original layout of you bases. As with what Conkerkid11 said though, The hornet does seem a tad overpowered even with a Rocket Launcher to counter it. The Double wall bridge also appears to be an unwanted fighting area, unless ofcourse it's only meant for transport in which case it's fine. Just a question before I go, On a scale of 1-10 how smooth would you say the bridge actually is?