Well the new feature on xbox marketplace might seem very appealing, but I have some info to share with everyone. Don't think like I am telling you whats best. So everyone knows that you can download several very good games on the marketplace for a fair value. Here are the pros and cons of it. Pros - Its fast! - No chance of breaking the disc. - For some games Dlc are included. Cons - Its costly - extremely long download (as to where you could be playing a game) - No trade in value because it isn't on a disc. - Takes up a lot of hard drive space. (if you have a 20g hardrive, the games take up about 5) - No refunds no matter what. When you look at these facts, you can see why Games on Demand might not be the best choice. My advice is to simply look on an internet website or a local game store. Today I bought Oblivion brand New on Amazon for 28$ and no shipping fee. It was very reliable because I was buying from the host website Amazon, not some random Hobo across the country. So, All in all, I saved a couple bucks today, I have good trade in value, And I don't need to take up a ton of hard drive space. Thanks for reading, I hope I helped you.
Wow,thanks,if it wasnt for this i would for downloading mass effect right now,I Still thinks its not all that bad,but the no trade in,and no refunds drove away. thanks again,Im sure this will let many people know they may regret what they do.
They also jacked up the prices on every game that's so far in the list of games for Games on Demand. All of the games that are in there have a higher price then what they go for in stores. I can easily buy most of these games brand new in any store for around $20 when they are making them go for around $30. To me I'd rather drive to my nearest store and pay the $20. Yes, it's convenience at your finest to have the ability to buy a game from your living room, or where ever your game system may be located. Yet, at this day and age the economy isn't the greatest, and I'd rather spend it elsewhere or save it for a better use, and I'm speaking the truth living with my mom and step dad who are both unemployed. The only way I'd consider making a purchase on the Games on Demand, would be if I got myself a job, got direct deposit, and purchased a game using my own debit card.
I was comparing prices the other day, and BF : BC was £20 on marketplace, yet it was only £10 on amazon!
Although I was thinking you were going to list flaws like "The games are slow on Games on Demand", "The games are missing some features." You know, actual flaws. Everybody kind of already knows Microsoft jacked up the prices... You can get almost every game for $20. I haven't purchased a game on Games on Demand yet, and I don't think I ever planned on it. I'd much rather purchase DLC with my Microsoft Points, and use real money on games at the store a couple blocks away...
In my town the prices on the games are exactly the same as they are in games on demend so I don't know what you are talking about. Anyways, its just like arcade games, they're purchasable with either points or money, if you buy with money you don't have an odd excess points left over. But like arcade games again you should weigh your options wisely seeing as its going to be non refundable. Eventually most games will be available on it hopefully including games like halo 3 therefore rendering broken disks a thing of the past. The download time is only slow if you have slow internet, in fact for me its very comparable to an arcade game like castle crashers for download time. So, out of your qualms with the system, only one seems plausible to me; the non refundability which is countered by the fact that most of the games that look good on it are good.
Hey guys in all honesty you get toooo much free and many of you dont realise that SERVERS COST MONEY and Microsofts servers cost A **** LOAD OF MONEY. Unlike the PS3, Xbox doesnt get Plastered with advertisements in every game. I personally dont have A PS3, but I know that a lot of gams have advertisements so the games get money from the companys advertising = Money for the servers. Xbox get their money by making you pay a little extra for stuff to make your experience better. Think about it, a 5GB game being sent to you at HTTP speed is going to cost them a little for the bandwith now isnt it. It probally costs people in austrailia more because the servers are based in America for the xbox so the data has to go a little bit further (dont hold me on that, its probally wrong but meh ;l). /Rant
I'll stick to the discs, all the games I want from GOD at the moment I already have. I'll still buy arcade games online, but if they allowed discs for each arcade game, I'd prefer that option, but I know it wouldn't be worth it for developers.
Even if I wanted to dl a game i don't have enough room because of all of my old games that i've played.
Theres been a "Game of the Year" Pack for awhile that has Bioshock and Oblivion on it on 2 discs for like $40. Not bad if you ask me.
I think this is useless, it's only a realistic feature if you have over a 5MB connection, which most people do not. I know I don't.
If its a xbox original it doesn't let you use your center menu. Also you can't join partys whilst you are on the game which i find very annoying...... i bought halo: combat evolved yestarday on there.
You're very wrong. We get very little for free compared to PS3 and PC, PS3's online is free and PC often gets free DLC. Have you been to the dashboard lately? It's got ads all over it. Check this out.
ok. which is the lesser of two evils 1. going to game look ing for a game you want but it cost £30 2. finding the game on demand which costs only £20