Fable III

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Shatakai, Aug 19, 2009.

  1. Orbiter891

    Orbiter891 Ancient
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    What are those pictures of?
  2. alienman911

    alienman911 Ancient
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    maybe milo will be in it
  3. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    It just felt like Fable 2 came out. I do thoroughly enjoy the Fable series, because unlike most games were I like to play on the hardest difficulty. Fable makes the player feel empowered to either be the hero or the villain. I mean, right, you're the hero, you're supposed to be strong and able to kill things. Think of the James Bond movies. Bond kills a bunch of guys by himself. He's the hero, he's tough and kick ass.

    Fable three will hopefully expand upon Fable 2. I felt Fable 2 was very short and I was disappointed with the multiplayer system. Hopefully Fable 3 will improve upon that aspect, but regardless I'll be picking up Fable 3 when it comes out.
  4. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Molyneux announcing Fable 3 at GamesCom.
  5. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    They're just drawings showing how your decisions on things that happen around the kingdom will affect how your followers feel about you and act towards you.
  6. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Actually the 1st is you, wife, and kids. It's funny because it can probably happen which is what I think they're trying to get at.
  7. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    I like how the dog is rubbing his ass across the floor.
  8. Orbiter891

    Orbiter891 Ancient
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    Man i can't wait for this game!
  9. Nightfire

    Nightfire Ancient
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    I want to actually wait for this game, mostly because a lot of games are already coming out and I want to enjoy those for a year or two. I would also like Lionhead to not try to release it as soon as possible, so that there are very few glitches and improve the game as much as they can.
  10. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    `Here is the problem about the fighting: Fable is meant to satisfy a player and give them choices for what they wish to do with their character (this does not mean only karma/purity related choices) such as trying to be rich, becoming a fighter, being a theif, etc...

    As for me- I was a warrior: I would kill the most difficult beings that existed. Unfortunately- the Warrior trait had been eliminated due to the fact that the fighting was "smooth and fun" only- There should have been both... Fights that made players feel powerful (from being smooth and fun) , but there are extra fights that challenged players and made them want to destroy their controllers. Difficult fights gave a sense of glory to those that were victorious.

    Ex: If Halo 3 did not have a Legendary or Heroic difficulty (no skulls to make the game hard either- also imagine no competitive LIVE) - wouldnt you think that Campaign is boring because there is no challenge? It is fun to annihilate grunts that do not stand a chance- but then it gets boring very quickly.

    `Here is another problem- like you said: you liked to explore the world, run a business, help townsfolk, have a family, etc... These can all be achieved incredibly quickly. Instead of making a player decide on which opporatunity that they should choose, they make it so that all players may be a Businessman, warrior, family man, explorer, guns expert, will user, multi-millionare, etc at the same time. Players should have to choose what skills (not just talking about Strength, Agility and Will) they wish to devote their time to. Much like Fallout or Oblivion- you must spend your skill points (EXP) on a skill (such as crafting, lockpicking, trading, strength)- It would be nearly impossible to get enough skill points to be a master at every skill unless the player was truely devoted to the game (due to the fact that it takes thousands of points to 100% each skill and there arent enough levels)

    Yes I do understand that. I have done it- It doesnt make the game harder... It would be if I had not played through it- But it doesnt challenge you- If you take it off, you have no clue at all regarding where to go- they do not tell you in some cases- it doesnt make the game hard, it makes it longer (please no sexual referrance) because you are wandering around... They should have had no glowing trail, but people would tell you where to go or mark places on a map.
    #30 Loscocco, Aug 21, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2009
  11. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Well I never played Fable 1, so perhaps that has something to do with it. But on the fact of gaining a family, a business, etc. I also maintained them. I visited my family constantly, swapped out furniture, moved houses, bought them presents, and I was able to do all these things for hours.

    But, in the end, you and I played this game two very different ways and had two very different expectations for what it would be.
  12. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    You should really try Fable 1- there are actually more things in it than Fable 2 (about 20 or more spells, more quests, better fighting such as fist fighting, activities such as unarmed combat competitions and more) And gameplay is a bit tougher.

    And about the family/business: What I am saying is: Was it hard to get a ton of cash? is taking care of your family difficult?

    `You can make money quickly by buying a few houses and living off the income that pays you while you arent playing.
    `You dont even need to do anything for the family as long as you provide them with a house. You can visit them for fun and you can ditch them for about a month of gameplay and they will still be content.
    It isnt difficult- it is time consuming, but not difficult...

    We do think differently- unfortunately- Lionhead only satisfied the people interested in fun with little to no challenge and abandoned those that crave a challenge.
  13. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Which, not to say you're wrong, that is what most of the gaming community wants nowadays. They don't want a challenge, they want a game to be fun. I know how you feel though. The decrease in challenge of the Guitar Hero series pisses me off. It really depends on what type of game I'm playing, but for the most part, games are about the experience rather than the completion for me.
  14. Nightfire

    Nightfire Ancient
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    I didn't take care of my family for a week and my wife wanted a divorce, I was sad.
    I've played Fable 1 and there a few more spells and stuff but I thought the game was still pretty easy as Fable 2.
  15. Orbiter891

    Orbiter891 Ancient
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    To be honest i wish fable 2 was harder than it was because it was just way to easy to go through it.
  16. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    I was going to sacrifice my wife for a 10G achievement.
  17. Orbiter891

    Orbiter891 Ancient
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    lol i had to marry 3 women in that game because the first one died, the second one, i killed by accident, and the third one finally worked.
    And if anyone hasn't gottin the gender changing potion yet please give it to me i'll pay 15mil for it.
  18. a dying animal

    a dying animal Ancient
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    I liked the 2nd, never played the first, but i hope they fix some of the flaws:
    1) Way to easy. The game required very little skill and effert which made the game seem kinda boring at times.
    2) Easy gamerscore. They made the achievments very easy to get which meant you had no real challenge to work towards.
    3) Armor. All the different armors were cool but they all did nothing.
    4) Money. You never seem to run out of it, as you go through the campaign you just amass great amounts of money which meant everyone had good armor and weapons.

    Despite all this it was still very fun.
  19. Orbiter891

    Orbiter891 Ancient
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    I have to agree with you on it's easy to make money but you really can't buy the best weapons because to had to find the red dragon and the Diachi or what ever it is.
  20. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Money was actually a problem that Lionhead didnt foresee. The reason that everyone is rich is because of a few glitches:

    1: Income glitch- people changed their calendar to the furthest date. They recieved payment for every 5 minutes of the next 100 years.... Players had billions

    2: Account transfer- people were able to give their items to their second hero. This made it so that a player could get an easy start and make plenty of cash.

    I also believe that Lionhead didnt think that a player would be able to buy every house possible so easily... It takes very little time.

    This is why getting all of the Silver Keys and opening the 50 key chest only gives a player 50,000 coins... Same with the last Demon Door (and a poem) - Biggest waste of time ever...

    It is true that the best weapons arent able to be bought with money, but they are still able to be obtained. The Daichi has a very simple dungeon... And legendary weapons arent necessary- the game is still easy enough to beat the game with the worst supplies and have very little difficulty beating the game.

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