Woah... so many cool things... So watch this 10 minute video of an in-depth look into the new maps coming out April 15th. http://youtube.com/watch?v=Wn1go99sw1E ~Sorta embedded the vid. Try using media tags.
Notice how at the last second, when the last guy goes off of the mancannon on Blackout, he hits an invisible wall that is quite close to the main play area.
I personally now cannot wait until they come out now... I was feeling bleh about Ghost Town and Avalanche but now I am hyped about them. I am going to love the Filters, and all the neat little other things in Forge. I think I am going to spend some time Forging on Avalance now.
Yeah. I'm probably not even going to make a serious map at first. I'll just be doing some nasty testing. I'm really looking forward to making a pillbox with that new shape they've given us. gonna be teh funz.
Blackout looks like the type of map that will have lots of tunnels in the air in some maps, that would be fun; a tunnel system AROUND of the actual map. DIBS
No, in the open space, a Lockout remake. Sort of like the failed ones on Standoff, but this one won't be fail, just epic win.
Sushi, go here and read the first post. And to whoever "kind of" embed the video, thanks, I was trying to figure out how to do that. Was it you, Grif?
Also on avalanche when the warthog drives off the cliff it hits a barrier that looks extremely close, almost as close as rats nests cliff barrier. If they are as bad as they looked I'm pretty annoyed. There is absolutely no reason to limit the off-map space so much, blackout could easily have a valhalla sized amount of empty space around it which would be amazing for forge. We won't get it though cause bungie seem to be so obsessed by barriers and invisible walls after the superbounces and stuff people did in halo 2 to get to high places.
You're only seeing one potential direction. It may be true, but why make the big change after Valhalla and (especially) Sandtrap? Don't be too mad yet...
Im glad they made those color filter things, It'll make maps have a completely different feel to them, and it also helps machinima makers too. :squirrel_wink: