Fable III

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Shatakai, Aug 19, 2009.

  1. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    YouTube - Fable 3 (HD) - Gamescom 09: Reveal Teaser Trailer

    Fable 3 First Details
    At Microsoft's Gamescom press conference, Peter Molyneux pulled down a curtain to reveal the logo for Fable 3, announcing the third entry to the role-playing series. After showing off the prior two games' strong sales, Molyneux says, "It would be insane not to develop Fable 3." Questions of sanity aside, Molyneux carries a reputation for bold promises at his game announcements, but he manages to steer clear of going quite so overboard this time.

    Molyneux feels that the third game in many series hit a lull and struggle to continually excite the audience. He hopes to avoid that pitfall by making Fable 3 grander than its predecessors. You won't merely become a hero this time around; your goal will be to ascend the throne and rule over the game's fantasy world, Albion.

    Fable 3 picks up some 50 years after the events of the previous game, with you playing as the son or daughter of Fable 2's hero. If you have a completed save file from Fable 2, the new game will carry over the impact from your actions in order to set the table for your new adventure.

    That adventure breaks down into two major pieces. During the first half of the game, which Molyneux calls the "journey to rule," you're gathering supporters and taking down a tyrant who's come to power. In the second half, you become the hero ruler who must face the stark realities of your reign. Molyneux likens Obama's struggles since taking office to a modern example of the sort of weighty decisions he wants players to experience. He also hopes to better tackle the story's development through a new scripting process. Lionhead Studios took the game's completed script to a top soundstage in London, hired a troupe of professional actors, and proceeded to act out the game as if it were being made as a film. The result helped them refine everything from dialogue passages to different camera angles used to capture a scene.

    Fable 3 will also bring with it two new core mechanics. The first, Judgment, reflects your ability as ruler to pass judgment over subjects at any time. This brings into play the development of your personality as a ruler. Will you be compassionate or rule with an iron fist? Either way the results of your actions will ripple across your entire kingdom. The second new mechanic Molyneux calls "Touch." While he stops short of saying it directly, this pretty clearly seems to be a way to incorporate the upcoming Natal motion sensing system into the game. The initial plan with Touch is to build on the expression system of the prior two games. Instead of just being able to make basic gesture at everyone, your actions will develop as you build rapport with a character. For instance, when you first meet someone, you might only be able to shake hands. After getting to know them better, that could then evolve to a hug, and then an embrace, and so on from there (yes, all the way to "relations").

    But it's the second part of Touch that really brings out the suspicions of a Natal connection. Dynamic Touch gives you the ability to reach out and interact with anyone in the game at any time. During the conference, Molyneux made a dramatic demonstration of how powerful it would be when trying to save someone to have reach out and pull them away from danger. From the physicality of his presentation, there's little doubt this will be where Natal comes into play, and don't expect it to be the only use of the motion controls in the game either. Molyneux promises the game in 2010 but with a disclaimer not to expect it early in the year. GIven the developer's track record and ambition, that may be a hard target to achieve, but from the videos shown during the briefing of Fable 3's story being acted out, it definitely looks like they've been at work on the game already for some time.

    If ya'll would like, I'd be happy to frequently update this thread whenever new information comes up about Fable 3 so you can all find out what's going on with the development of this game as easily as possible. If you'd like me to do this, just keep this thread afloat with (non spam) chatter. Also feel free to post any info you discover and I'll edit it into the OP. No rumors will be put into the OP, only facts.
  2. Orbiter891

    Orbiter891 Ancient
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    YES!!!! Fable is a great game and their finally making a new one! and yeah that would be nice if you did update this thread.
  3. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    It is a funny thing, because I had never really payed much attention about Fable until I heard about Fable 2. Then I became engrossed with Fable, getting the first for my PC until the second game came out. Now, despite what people say I loved Fable 2, and I just played it the other day, and was planning on playing it sometime today. With that said:

    Is more than enough reason for me to get Fable 3. I was excited about this concept when I heard that Bioware was incorporating it into Mass Effect II, and I was thinking that they ought to do the same with Fable should Fable 3 come. And what do you know? That dream is coming to fruition. But that isn't the only thing that I pondered of which I now see is also coming. When I first saw Natal, the first thing that came to my mind was RPGs. Imagine if you yourself could say the words instead of selecting them, and having Natal read your mood whilst saying them instead of having the flat layer of This is a bad thing to say, and this is a good thing to say. Now you can still say something that is inherently bad, or good, but perhaps your voice can also betray true emotions behind it. Well, it isn't clear how far they are going to take this, but if Milo is any indication, Lionhead will make this quite deep.

    Honestly, in that small bit I read, I saw more than enough reasons to be excited. With progression of shaking hands to embracing is something I think would really do the series good, and give players more connection to NPCs. Because in Fable 2, you eventually get to the point where all of the villagers follow you like enamored morons, with hearts over their head and declaring how brilliant you are. Sometimes I intentionally do bad things to some just so that there is variety. But one change I really hope they make, is the co-op. Fable 2 co-op failed hard. You couldn't bring in your own character, and even online players had to share a screen, which really made movement stiff. Not that it couldn't be fun (with 2 person combo moves, that is great fun) but it requires discipline. And on the subject of discipline, a friend can ruin your world with no harm to them, but harm to you, which was obviously a bad thing. But above all else, I want to be able to have fights against my friends (kind of like the dueling opportunities in Lost Chapters, though against real players) . NPCs are fun to fight, because you can dominate them, and I will challenge myself by not taking a single blow and stuff like that, but in the end I want to face something smart, something that I can out wit, and that can only be another player.

    Fable 2 definitely improved the consequences of choice, entirely changing your world at times. I want more of this in Fable 3. I could make Westcliff Camp a proper village, or a bandit's camp, with a single quest. What I want is the ability to do that more, but not just with quests. I want to see subtly changing cities (like with what happens to the character you play), where at an specific time you can't realize much change, but when you look back you realize "Woah! It's completely different!". Also, in the end of Fable you face one of the toughest decisions I have had to make in an RPG. Do I sacrifice, to appease people and have everyone like me more, affecting prices and such? Do I want my dog back, which is a great companion and is needed for many quests? Or do I want alot of money fast. You can make lots of money in this game, but it does take time and buying/selling skills (to an extent). Fable 3 needs more hard choices just like that.

    On a little side note: I want to dress my NPCs, at least wifes/husbands/children. I am rich, and yet my children are grubby gypsy's. I also want to take them into battle fighting hobbes, for obvious reasons.

    So I will definitely be following this. I can't say that I am surprised, everyone saw it coming (especially with the latest DLC), but I am excited none the less. But they better keep the goddamn dog!
  4. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    The most important problems that need to be fixed from Fable 2:

    -Fable 2 is way too easy. 1) It gives the player a golden path to follow- thats like incorporating a guide book into the game. 2) fights dont last to long because even with the weakest stats, you can finish off any foe in the game. 3) no consequence for death- you loose a little EXP and gain a pointless scar (which can be removed) If you are fully leveled- there is no consequence at all. 4) There is no point in having good armor because everything does the same thing- its like playing dress-up (or shopping for your avatar) you dont need any new clothing at all because it does not influence anything except other peoples reactions (and that means nothing). 5) Economy- everyone in Fable 2 is incredibly rich because buying out houses gives players a fortune. Lionhead did not see this coming and as a result- everyone is rich- rewards and treasures do not mean anything to players because a player could have easily purchased those items for the millions of gold that they have.

    Another problem unrelated to difficulty- Multiplayer: They should go with a split screen system where two Heros can free roam in the same region (same town, etc.) as eachother and both need to arrive at an exit in order to leave.

    They should make Fable 3 much more like Fable 1 because that game was much better in my opinion due to difficulty and fun.
  5. T Cal

    T Cal Ancient
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    i agree with mikelp. fable 2 was pretty easy with the gold trail and pretty easy fights. i would like to see fable 3 more like the first one. i think it was better but fable 2 was still pretty good.
  6. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Fable 2 was easy because the main aspects of the game were to explore the world, run businesses, have a family, help out townsfolk; not the fighting. I was satisfied with the combat not because it was difficult, but because it was smooth and fun.
  7. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    Exactly, the focus wasn't to challenge you. The combat was just that, smooth and fun, that made players feel like the devastators they should feel like. Of course, then again, I always have a fond fancy of making things hard on myself with such games. Assassin's Creed was easy in all regards, but I made it a challenge, all the same with Fable 2 (and Fable 1 was still pretty easy). As I mentioned early, I would try and fight a battle unscathed, but I would also try to make it as fluent a battle as possible. Engaging in some back and forth sword play, doing counters, rolling to avoid attacks, and then striking enemies in the back. The was the goal Lionhead had all along, create a game for the button mashers and the more hardcore gamers, who could enjoy the more complex (using word lightly) aspects of combat. Now if this doesn't suit you, that's fine. But it works for me, and I really wouldn't want to see it any other way, challenge often ruins the fun in it for me, and I play RPGs to wind down.

    As for the golden trail, you know that you can turn it off right? If you wanted a challenge in that, the only thing keeping you from that aspect is yourself.
    #7 X5, Aug 19, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2009
  8. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    I'm assuming you meant Assassin's Creed, not Assassin's Creed 2.

    And yes, that was what I loved about the combat. You could make it as complex as you wanted. I knew I could go through the entire game just mashing X and finish it easily, but I enjoyed doing dodges, blocking, combos, switching to guns and magic on the fly, and all that jazz.
  9. Orbiter891

    Orbiter891 Ancient
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    I agree with you Fable 2 was way to easy to beat.
  10. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    That wasn't exactly my point...
  11. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    there wasnt alot of exploration in fable 2 either
  12. Spawn of Saltine

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    how about that EPIC final battle of fable 2? You either poke Lu Lu off the edge or that other guy does it for you. I loved fable 1 far more than fable 2. I have both games and I still play fable 1 because it has that challenge factor that keeps me coming back. The hardest part of fable 2 was working a job. I could never hit the green bar once I got too big of a combo... I'm curious though, did you get the thread idea from me? I posted the teaser like 3-4 hours ago and the chatbox was talkin bout it.
  13. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Where'd you post it, just in the shoutbox?

    But no, I saw this article on 1UP.com several hours ago and a little bit after that I thought I'd make this thread.
  14. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    I remember a few times in Fable 2 when on missions i'd see the scripted mobs spawn: that's just bad design. One of the most annoying parts of Fable 2 was going to "The Spire". It's just a huge kick in the nuts game-play wise. I liked Fable 1, so the series isn't entirely dead to me, and i'll probably buy Fable 3 out of boredom if nothing else.
  15. LIGHTSOUT225

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    "relations" using natal? thats pretty funny. yeh, i definitely button mashed the **** outta F2, I hope they really layer on the complexity to fight sequences.

    but oh man, i had so many kids in that game... who will take the reigns.. who will take the reigns..
  16. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    I am just going to throw this out there, and note that this opinion is not formed just because I like Fable 2.
    Why is it that a good game has to be a challenge? Nowadays, if a game isn't it isn't good, as if the only enjoyment from a game comes from the programmed difficulty and conquering that difficulty. There are games that are meant to be a challenge, but that doesn't mean every game is. Fable 2 is not one of those games. Lion head explicitly pointed out that this game wasn't meant to challenge players. It is pure, simplistic, fun, allowing creative players to challenge themselves, not the game. Fable 1 was a great game, but it wasn't all that challenging either. In my opinion, it was almost borderline annoyance. Enemies weren't hard, but they weren't easy either. Often times, I felt that I was putting to much effort into killing something that I just want dead, and according to the basic principles of a challenging foe, you are supposed to feel like you need to exert much more effort to get that kill. It comes down to the instant satisfaction, or delayed satisfaction. I am typically a fan of delayed satisfaction, the kind where you build up until the final, gratifying moment, that seems all that much sweeter. Again, however, I stress that I play Fable 2 to wind down. I play Halo for the delayed gratisfaction, for example. I play Fable 2 for the instant, and there is nothing wrong with that. If you ask me, I think Lionhead realized this about Fable 1 and realized that they had to make a choice, and they chose to make it the way it is.
  17. Orbiter891

    Orbiter891 Ancient
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    When is this game going to come out?
  18. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    2010. Most likely the second half. That's all the info we have right now.
  19. Orbiter891

    Orbiter891 Ancient
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    omfg why is every game that i want to play really badly not coming out till 2010 except ODST
  20. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Hopefully the story line is a bit deeper at least, but I honestly didn't enjoy Fable 2 all that much and actually ended up trading it for L4D. But I ended up trading that back as well.

    Oh, and here's a couple pics.
    #20 Rifte, Aug 19, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2009

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