I'm thinking about becoming one of the team, NOV3D, message me about a new postion over XBox Live. Maybe I'll check out the Orby
Very well organised. Im a tester and I would really enjoy being part of this. I hope Eso can get me in if he's not too busy talking bout how Towelie is awesome. Please PM me as I will forget to check this forum to see if you have replied (crap short-term memory)
No problem, its was are teams pleasure to review your map. Alright, I am sure you would make a great addition to the team Giving to fly. A message will becoming to you on Xbox live soon. It would be great to have you become apart of the team what position were you thinking of?
I was looking through a lot of the reviews you've done, and some of them are horribly off. It seems that with some maps your team or whatnot is just rating them on appearance, or who created them. And I'm a little stumped on why you chose such a complicated ranking system, and not just numbers.
I am a little heart broken to hear from anybody that my teams reviews are horribly off. So if you could please give me an example of 3 of these maps that my team has Reviewed only on looks or reviewed better just because of the person. I just want to know if you really have something to back your accusation up with so I know you are not just making up lies and For the ranking system its not complicated its pretty easy to learn and understand. The maps can be ranked on a 1-5 star ranking system and each category is worth a certain amount of points and are worth a certain percentage because not everything should be worth the same percent of your score. So some categories are worth 40% which equals 2.0 out of 5.0. I hope that you can understand are teams rating system and come to understand that are team does not just grade different just because of a certain person but sometimes we do give bad reviews it is only in human nature to make mistakes and for that we are sorry but if we have made a bad review then the map creator should have asked for a second review and for that I am not worried about these reviews that may have been bad because if they are not willing to ask for a second review then the first one must have not been that bad. Thank you.
Well, on the contrary, if someone asks for a second review, it may be because the first one was really good, which can just as well be bad. As for the ranking system, I mean, you could've just used numbers. Ya' know, 1, 2, 3, and even 4! It would've simplified things a bit more. Obviously I'm not going to call out any maps, I mean, that's practically telling the maker of the map "Well uhh, your map sucks and was reviewed horrible" so I'm really not going to go there. What I mean, is that the fact that some of the reviews are as high as they are looks to me that either A: The map aesthetics earned it bonus points, you know what I mean. Only one or two games tested, but the testers were generous with the review because the aesthetics stood out and whatnot. As well as that, it seems some of the more popular forgers who have their map reviewed were bias towards. I myself, have been head of the review department for ForgeBattle, then I switched over to xForgery to be on their review team, and I'm also the review head for Forgery Aid, and was offered a position as reviewer at Halo Holics. I'm in no way putting down any of these reviews, but believe me, I know how to review, and I review well, and some of these are just off by a longshot.
I appreciate your opinion it is good to hear what another reviewer thinks. For the aesthetics thing [YES] we do give a good amount of points for your aesthetics just because are team believes that a maps appearance and Game play are both equally as important in a map being great. Anyone can make a maps game play become really great so yes they should be rewarded for that but if they have took the time to make it look good and flow together then they should also deserve a good amount of percentage for that as well. Thank you for your thoughts.
I believe that Maps need to have equal Gameplay and Aesthetics to flow well. That is why I signed up to be The Oracle. I have the same forging beliefs on good flowing maps. I also am ready to answer questions that you have about geting your map reviewed, and why your map got reviewed in that way. Be it good or bad. I also belive that some people are just upset about how their map played out. The map will be tested in a party to determine if the gameplay is good, aesthetics work, and all that jazz. Accept it, because its not as if we go into your map ourselves and do a forgethrough. We play and test it out. We then collaberate our decisions into one. And whatever your map gets, just accept it, and work on the parts that were viewed upon negatively. Don't get offended, just ask what you could do to improve and we'll gladly tell you a few little things that can be changed. And that NOV3D, is why I deserve Oracle
Hey Crippled Hobo, I think you will be happy to know that we have ratted your map and the review post is up. Nice map.
We'd be happy to review your map. I'll talk to NOV3D soon, and we'll get a party goin. Thanks for checkin us out dude. The map looks sick.
I'll pop into the Madness that is Midnight for sure. I can't stay the whole time though. I got stuff to do, playlists to play, things to forge.
Agreed, I missed it myself this weekend because I was busy matchmaking getting higher ranked, but definately will be there next. I have fun gamezez