Whether its because the game was so laggy or just a glitch, my hog was missing a vital compartment. The bloddy turret! I apologise if this has been seen before 1000 times, its the first time I've experienced it. I felt slightly emasculated but heres me and my hatchback.
Yes it has been seen before 1 million times. You can also do this with a Scorpion, Wraith and Prowler: Bring up the forge menu and highlight the vehicle Press START and begin a new round when the screen turns black press A at the next round, a half finished vehicle will spawn
yup, you can still get in the driver and passenger seat but not the gunner. I realise this must be ancient news for some people so just let this thread die, unless there are many people like me and disturbed who have never seen this before.
Just because it is old, doesn't mean it isn't good. I don't know if this was on accident or not but you captured some of the beauty of Halo. Also, it's fun to use a transport hog.
This happened to me in matchmaking, on Avalanche, I had a guy standing on the back with a Human turret! ><
I actually had this happen in matchmaking on sandtrap heavy(the scorpion had no turret and you couldn't get on the small turret when someone else was in the tank) due to lag, but that was funny and yes alot of people know how to do this it has benn posted on youtube soooo many times
This happens to me a fair amount during matchmaking because of laggy internet, but still it's pretty cool the first time you see it in matchmaking.
He didnt mention anything about matchmaking... And if it was- its a spawning glitch that happens when everyone goes into black screen at the exact moment that a warthog spawns.
Hum. I hear alot about this stuff in matchmaking and yet its never happened to me... god damn why does everyone else get all the fun.
You know I have been trying to get the half vehicles to appear. BUt I cant make it work. Is there certain timing I need to work out? Or is there another way of doing it?
Have a friend bring the object list up and highlight the vehicle you want to "pimp out" as I like to say. Then start a new round and your friend should spawn the vehicle just before the scoreboard comes up on the screen.
Its happen to me in matchmaking ! My mother makes lag my xbox and the warthog doesnt have turrets and the people in my team my bodies say WTF LoL !