Hello again forgehub i am currently working on a map with multiple foot bridges and i have been using the stone bridge obj, now my question is, how should i go about making a broken one? i want it to be so you can jump from the floor of the map to part of the bridge and get onto the ramparts that way. I'v tired putting the stone bridge obj at an angle and halway merged with the bridge itself but it just looks stupid. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks, CaptnSTFU
i would make a crashed hornet that crashes into it at the start and is blown up with fusion coils so no one could use it and make it never respawn. if your making it on sandbox.
That's a good idea but it is a foot bridge i just want it to look kinda destroyed but still usable by player. I will have to incorporate it into my next map though cause i'v already just made regular bridges in my newest map.
interlock a thin wood bridge into the good part of the bridge, so it sticks out a bit, then interlock the broken stone bridge piece into the wood at an angle? I don't know . . . I only know how to make a decent broken bridge with Double Blocks, but I've never tried so. . .
try using the steel parts of scaffolding,and have them point down at an angle where you can jump on them,and clibm up.
wow thats a really good idea haha why didn't i think of that thanks halo kid, iv finished the map and need to test it but i might rework the middle bridge to be broken.