hello my gamertag is boohalo its a long story i was going to change it but my friends said no so i stuck with it i would liked to be called jeff i joined forgehub because my friend from xbox live told me about it and it sounded really cool my hobbies are baseball and basketball i live in boston massachusett and i am 12 years old ,not that old i am really excited about being on forgehub and meeting new people and showing off maps and screenshots:joker::joker::joker::joker:
Welcome Jeff. I've been here since June (other one I lost the email for it). Anyways, don't feel bad for being this young. I'm 11 So about ForgeHub, it isn't about showing off maps: more of to show people you're maps and review them. The same goes for screenshots. There is many things here to do at ForgeHub, such as join social groups, get to be in a guild, view maps and screenshots, and much more. Again, welcome to ForgeHub, and I hope you enjoy your stay.
Uh oh! Another active 12-year-old. Halo kid's gonna be pissed. Lawl. Anyways, welcome to FourChub. We're pretty chill here, so make sure to start posting around the forums more. Like General Chat and Off Topic(those are the best). If you're familiar or want to get started in Photoshop or any image-editing programs, check out the Graphics and Arts section. We have some awesome artists here. Enjoy your time here, brew.
You sound like a pretty cool guy. Just make sure you posts properly and with the use of good grammar. If you have any questions just PM me and I'll be happy to answer them. And a lot of people are going to say this, but read the rules, it's seriously the best advice I can give you, know them and live by them. If you get an infraction don't ask the moderators why or start to complain and say you don't deserve it.
Eh, not always true tbh. Back when I was a grey member, I got an infraction for double posting, and I messaged the mod back saying that I thought double posting wasn't a strictly hot issue in OT, since the double was in the review hub thread back when it was in there. Turned out that he'd just missed that it was in OT because someone had reported it and when browsing the RH thread it hardly looks like an OT thread judging by comments and subject matter. He was really nice about it, and we actually got chatting after that. As long as you realise that it's OK to question stuff if you're sure of your position in terms of the rules, and don't jump to the conclusion of malicious action instead of realising that mistakes do happen, also accepting when it wasn't actually a mistake and you did deserve it by the rules, then people are actually willing to listen to you a lot more. But that's rather a negative note, and not one that should really be dwealt upon too much considering this is an introduction. Reading the rules is an important thing to do first off, but there's a lot to enjoy on FH in general. The TGIF signups are currently out, should be at the top of the homepage, you might want to check that out if you're interested in custom games and want to check out some of the favourite Forge Hub maps and meet other users. Welcome to Forge Hub.