Encryption v3 Encryption v3 Created by Tylyr1 Map Description Welcome to my first single player puzzle map that I ever made on Sandbox. It is one of the maps that I put the most time into making and testing. I tried to make it so the puzzles are not hard to do, but only hard to figure out. Although some parts are kind of hard, you will still have to use your brain quiet a bit. I also tryed to make it a little aesthetically pleasing (I don't know how I did with it, so please tell me if you like it.) Thanks to all the testers: A7X JIGS4W About 1200 jews ActualGLoRY Baby Baluga B52 Evilgrunt6 GAME SMOKER 89 joeschmo93 LoneX33 MarshaII Brown norbert94 xTechNiical On to the pictures! There's a lot this time! Here is the starting room. It's a little room so it was hard to fit everything in. A second picture of the starting room. A blocked teleporter and a grav lift behind a shield door... Hmm... Why am I all the way up here? A view from inside. Does that structure look familiar to you? A Hub. Three teleporters and one hole. Cool! Sweet a teleporter! But do I really want it there? Left, with a custom power up? Or right, with a copper? Where the first hub teleporter brings you. Why is that golf ball in there? And how do I get it out? A ledge and a hole. Look! Down in the crypt! It's a trip mine! A regen? For What? Remember, custom power-ups make you vulnerable. Where the second hub teleporter brings you. A double flare jump. Or is it? (Remember to think! It's not a double flare jump.) A cool fusion coil holder. What? Am I supposed to die? Where the third hub teleporter brings you. Backtracking might help. And finally, The Oddball! ~Extra Challenge~ Here is the secret oddball! Can you think your way to it? Congratulations to Abrman, he was the first person to get the secret skull! Secret Skull Leaderboard (First five people to find the skull.)1. Abrman 2. 3. 4. 5. Spoiler Hints (All in order. You can figure out which puzzle the hint goes with.): Starting Room 1. A crack in the ceiling and a gun up above. 2. A view from above will let me see more... 3. If I can't kill myself, then what can kill me? 4. I can't deploy anything without it breaking! What is breaking them and how can I stop it? 5. The Hub. Down the Hole 6. I see a fusion coil but I cannot shoot it. Maybe I need to find a gun. 7. These rockets have to be here to shoot something. 8. The grid holds a lot of things. 9. The grid holds a lot of things... But you don't want it to hold some. 10. I got the grav lift, now I need to put two pieces of equipment together to get even higher. 11. I got the ball, now I should block something... 12. Shooting time! 13. Back to the hub. First Hub Teleporter 14. Maybe a hidden gun under something? 15. An extra boost will help you see up tubes. 16. Two different animals working together? 17. Look at the way the golfball respawns... It's rather awkward... Pigs are always good at getting things out. 18. A green ceiling and a golfball? 19. Throw one out. Throw one to get out. 20. A regen? Maybe an exchange for the trip mine. Act Fast. 21. Trip Mine unblockage! 22. Return to the hub? But how? Second Hub Teleporter 23. When in doubt throw equipment at bright objects. 24. An extra flare could come in handy up there. 25. Time to die! 26. Is that a little ledge I can jump to on the top of the room? 27. Look up tube for pallet. 28. It looks like I could get up that tube... Maybe I can, I just need more equipment. 29. The deployable cover will come down by itself from you breaking the pallet. 30. Now I need a flare on the opposite side? 31. No dying this time just handy use with the my equipment. 32. I got the deployable cover and the flare now! 33. Unblock teleporter. Third Hub Teleporter 34. Something from before could help me right now. 35. Oh a hole! 36. Time to backtrack! 37. Kill ball + bubble shield = easy 38. Finally done! Secret Oddball Sorry, It's too hard to make hints for the secret oddball. Video Walkthrough (only watch if you really need it) Spoiler Part 1: YouTube - Encryption Puzzle Walkthrough - Part 1 Part 2: YouTube - Encryption Puzzle Walkthrough - Part 2 Thanks for looking and enjoy! Download Encryption v3 Download Sand Play
Looks cool! I like all the aesthetics, especially the fusion coil holder thing... You have my download!
I was trying it for a little while, I got into the second room with the shield door/grav lift but Im stuck there right now
lolololololol tyyyylr you dident tell me you posted this you bum. it was very fun to help test and to try to figure out what too do ahh good times good times. im sad i cant win ms points =(
I've been a huge fan of your puzzle maps, so naturally i have to try this one. I'll be back when i finish it or get stuck in the process. Yup, i got stuck, i got to the hub, figured out a few puzzles and then got stuck. The puzzles i did were pretty cool. Like the solution to the first one was nothing short of brilliant. Now i only wished i had made it the whole way 9/10.
Yea I got to the hub too... but wasn't sure what to do from there. I loved the first two challenges, they were incredible... But the grav lift kept exploding which got really annoying after a while.. lol
There is a way to stop that you know... You just have to think about it. Maybe this can help you. Spoiler 17. Look at the way the golfball respawns... It's rather awkward... Pigs are always good at getting things out.
I mean, I've tried using the warthog. I figured that was my only option...I just can't get the ball out.
Awesome map, but I'm already stuck on the second puzzle. I see all of the aspects of it, I just can't put them together and break that grav lift.
Spoiler No, I did use the bubble shield, but it kept being shot upwards by the grav lift which then the grav lift exploded cuz it didn't have cover lol
Hey Tylyr, you could have asked me to help test it, but it's all good as now I'm eligible for the prizes Yeah, it looks like you did a really awesome job with this map. It seems as though both the challenges and aesthetics are top notch. I'll have to play it and get back to you with some proper feedback, but as of the pics and description- 5/5!
Yeah, but I didn't ask any of the testers to test it, they just wanted to play on it. But if I would've asked for testers, I probably would've asked you lol
okay ive did most of the map still i dont get some things. at the golfball part i dont have a clue how to block that receiver i did know how to get the golf ball outside but the again i was stuck so i used someone to block the receiver for me and at the part with 2 flares i also dont have a idea how you should have gotten up there by yourself and then were i just got stuck without knowing what to do was at the ramp with grav lift part no idea. i think the beginning is the best puzzle so far really well thought.
I've gotten as far as the flare pit. I found one break but I already told you what it was. I'm also extremely close to figuring out how the get the bonus skull, can probably figure it out once I beat the map. I only didn't get one part and that was how to get that grav lift below the sheild and death barrier. Nice job on the aesthetics though Tylyr, and good challenges too! It just sucks becuase you used one challenge that I was going to do in Mind Crypt, but had to take out now. It was the trip mine/regenerater one, which I'm pretty sure you were inspired by Paratroxity because that's how I came up with the idea. Spoiler On Jmen's challenge in Paratroxity I found out that if you press Y after deploying equipment, you can pick up another piece right away. I found a way to make that into a puzzle that was quite similar to yours except that the challenge was turned sideways (so a hallway, not a pit). Oh well, congrats on beating me to the punch.