I have a feeling this will eb more fun than horde,and thats the best part of GOW2,so i looking foward to it.
/duh. I didn't enjoy GoW2 too much, horde wasn't very satisfying tbh. Yet I still have the game for some reason...
I can't wait for this part of ODST, makes the game alot better even though it was already the best game ever.
Great job Lightsout for keeping this thread up to date. Too often are people making threads 'dedicated' to an aspect of this game, only to give **** all attention to new information. I'm glad Bungie are focusing on diversifying the Halo experience, instead of simply improving it. When Halo 3 was released i didn't see the whole point in leaving Halo 2, but now that Bungie are intent on creating new features instead of just improving old ones, i feel that the whole Halo experience will conquer any other game. I can't wait to get some games down with ForgeHub's 'elite' to see how far we can go in this thing. We'll definately have to dedicate a day to it and perhaps get some streaming on-the-go. One silly question; is the Br present? I see a Carbine.
haven't any of you guys seen the new auto-mag in gameplay video? It may not be better than the BR, but it fills the same role and looks like a lot more fun to use.
So you can say i'll like it but i can't say i wont? I have my reasons. - Was never a fan of the Halo 1 magnum, and in every documentary they talk about going back to their origins. I liked Halo 1 for what it was then, but i see Halo 2 as the huge step forward, i'd much rather see Halo 2 elements than Halo 1 elements. - Not a fan of using pistols in games anyway, especially fast firing ones because it just looks silly - The animations and sounds aren't that nice to me, and certainly dont suit a weapon that can be used so powerfully I'm sorry but i'm entitled to my opinions. I don't see why they removed the BR when they kept the Carbine. I'm not so fussed because i like using the Carbine, but it just doesn't make sense.
i dint say you werent entitled to your opinions, im just inplying that when you say you don't like it, youre just talking out of your ass because you havent used it yet. there's a difference. people are certainly entitled to opinions.. but it doesnt make them any less ignorant. Its just like the BR, only fires faster. animations shmanimations, its a killing machine.
Of all the maps, I think rally point is the one I'm least looking forward to after watching the gameplay videos.
3 waves per round, 5 rounds per set, endless sets. Ill be updating info on the bonus round and Rally Point later tonight hopefully