Hi everyone im COMMANDERMATT1. I am Paulie Walnut'z awesome Asian friend [: hes amazing. So i made this account and i am very confused about what this whole site is about. I know paul use to make maps and all so yeah. Anyway Paulie is absoulty amazing in so many ways and i love him to death see everyone around! Kthxbai!
I say we have a welcoming party for Katie, but she can't come. Neither can Paulie. They can have sex while we eat all the nachos.
I say that this thread requires a FAIL Stamp cause Paul keeps trying to make everyone believe he has a girlfriend. Off-Topic and Completely Random : I want food T_T PS: I have the Fail Stamp for this and/or any other thread. PSS : Notice : I said OR.
Are you all like stupid or something? I AM REAL. Honestly, I find it funny that the ones that say I'm not real are the ones who seem to have no experience or luck with getting girls. Like I don't care if you're doing it to be funny or whatever cause I do not find it funny AT ALL. It's actually really annoying.
Lol I'm 12, I really don't want a Girlfriend right now, nor do I need one, so saying that to me really doesn't affect me the tiniest bit. xD
Lol, almost 7 pages of replys... Congratz Katie. Most map threads don't even get this much attention He's 12 and what is this
Hey Katie, whenever I come to New York, you and Paulie are going to show me a good time right? Paulie's already volunteered to help me get started in the city, because he is a sweet man. He's also a handsome devil, look at that sexy mother ****er! ..and Paul, my friend, who seemed willing to tag along, backed out. He said he's more interested in the state of Kenfucky. I still know this one chick. She aspires to be a stripper when she gets older, yet she's still a virgin. Mind if she comes? =P Wow. Gr4phix isn't a virgin anymore considering you just raped the **** out of him.