YouTube - Project Natal Fail 0:27 to 0:35 Needs more work, it's a nice concept but quite tricky to implement reliably. Also, agreed, this is not a debate, it is a discussion. Reported recommending move to Game Chat.
Not much to start off with? Anyways i think it looks promising but i tink it will take a long time before all of the bugs are worked out.
This is isn't even worth moving to Game Discussion in my opinion, this Project Natal doesn't even have a release date as far as I know, and who knows when it will be finished. A thread like this could of been made like a month or so before its release. As it stands now it's just a pointless thread.
i think project natal is a stupid thing microsoft did .. especially that annoying british or watever voice the person in the game talks like. microsoft missed a step in this one.. something is gonna go wrong.
honestly i play games to sit on my ass and be mindless for a few hours i dont wont to get up and move about and yea game discusion but not debate
I just don't get why miscrosoft makes such a big deal over avatars? I don't think they are very cool, and the only time people even look at them is if you are at dashboard. As a matter of fact, I don't know anybody who would care if there wasn't avatars
True dat. The only reason I like avatars is. erm. Well I guess it expresses individuality? Damn there is actually no reason for them. Also, the new Lightsaber from the market place just looks like a huge sex toy. And you can't even change the colours on the items, I was all liek:
As far as I care, the Natal will be "good" as long as it's reliable. Unless you've got a terrible controller, you expect every time you press "A" that the console will recognise that you've pressed it, and the same standard should be applied to Natal. Besides, most of the demo games (dress up's and "Pre-teen-ninja-challenge") are some of the most uninspired crap i've ever seen. Woah, I can block incoming balls by moving my arm and legs. How the hell is that fun?
This is most certainly not a proper discussion for the debate forum. Rule 2 from the stickied rules thread states: 2. Debates should not be based upon opinions. E.g. Grunts or Elites? Moved to gaming discussion.