I got forgot the bosses in kingdom hearts 1, but the last one before you win the game you have to fight him like literally 4 times without restocking hp pots. This guy is one of the annoying bosses. he was earlier though....
Please don't ask why. You should know by now. Ok, in the ones I've actually played, I hate probably... This guy. When I was about six or seven, he killed about 300 of my pikmin after 7 attempts to defeat him. Poor yellow pikmin never saw the day again... Much easier in Pikmin 2 though.
Navi We all want that ***** to die yet that little ****er just won't go away damnit. If you ever played ocarina of time you'll understand this.
Miranda Keyes. She is weak, cannot take hers or Johnsons life, she says stupid crap, and her voice is annoying (Halo 2 was soooooooo much better).
Spoiler ^^ Ok you think you are better? Get a gun and shoot someone and yourself now. Now I know it is a different situation but really, when you boil it down to the essence it is the same. You are killing someone. The human mind naturally does not want to do that because it's a natural impulse not to kill other people. Also the mind does not take into account massive unthinkable things, like the destruction of all life. You cannot comprehend it. Try and comprehend the number 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. Do you think you can see a fairly accurate view of that within your mind? It is the same deal. Miranda is in the same situation as you going out now and killing yourself and another person whom you know, respect and, like. Having said that, she is just a character in a video game. I personally never liked the General Raam. He never did anything super badass like Skorge (tank cutting) aside from killing Kim, and I liked Kim. And he is just stomping around like a thug. That wasn't cool.
but in the end it doesn't matter its a game i hate those hand things in Zelda that take you back to the beginning of the level.
Hannah Montana (**** HER!), Miranda Keyes (would you just shoot Johnson dammit...) and Navi from Zelda. A floating Blue light that talks to you. ANNOYING.
Yeah, I would have to agree with Wall/Floor Masters. They're the most pointless things to put in the game and always make me turn off my system cuz i dont feel like going thru the whole dungeon again
This is a thread about video game characters we hate. I hate Miranda Keyes. I explained why. "its a game" doesn't mean anything in a thread about video game characters, in a section about gaming, on gaming website.
Uhhh the rolling ball enemy from "The Incredibles" game. Still don't know how to beat that ****er and that was on my PS2 lol.
Hell hounds from Cod: world at war (**** zombies). They are so evil, as soon as i run out of ammo or have long range weapons they always show up biting me and downing me and its really fustrating.